Friday, September 24, 2010

Our Hizzie in the MIDDLE of the Strizzie!

cue the sugar momma out of town music. Is she mad? It's sheer Mattness here without her. Our Hizzie, in the MIDDLE of the Strizzie!

Sugar Momma is in beautiful Quincy, Illinois. She is there with Sue and Madym for a wine tasting festival dealy. I wanted to go too but the three of them would have worn me out. She left Sparky and I home alone but she knows we are boring and won't get into too much trouble. Sparky finally saved up enough money to add X-Box 360 to his arcade so he has pretty much been playing that non-stop. Yesterday he even got up and showered about a half-an-hour early before school so he could play. He's usually playing Batman Arkham Asylum 3-D but right now I hear the Arizona Cardinals playing the Atlanta Falcons in there.

Coming up next on Matt In The Middle... Don't you hate how television shows go into commercials telling you what's coming up next? Why don't you give us five more minutes of show and quit telling us what's coming up next?

This past week a new show began on ABC called Better With You. I missed it but it replayed Friday night and since I am such a party guy I DVR'd it and watched it. Sugar Momma said just about everything I am going to type now but I am in total agreement with her so I will give her collaborative credit for this - the show has some funny moments and will probably be good eventually but they are focusing too much on current topics like the economy... They also use a laugh-track which Sugar Momma and I both hate because we feel we are smart enough to figure out what is funny to us and are distracted when the laugh-track "goes off" when it's not funny. We will give it another chance as new series have to establish characters...but they better straighten it out quickly or adios! Those critiques were all pretty much all Sugar Momma's and I agree completely! Actually this blogisode of Matt In The Middle is pretty lame right so far so.....

Saturday I have to (I mean get to) work off and on for fifteen hours at two different events. Figures the weekend the Mouse is away the Matt can't play. Nice strategy Miss Thang! Over half of that time will be at time-and-a-half so I don't mind so much.

Alright that's enough blog for today. I came unprepared like I used to do in Philosophy class in college. Ask Sugar Momma about the college philosophy class we had together. It's one of her favorite stories to tell. So, now I shall end this blog. Coming up in tomorrow's blog. I don't know what time tomorrow's blog will be posted but attendance usually goes down over the weekends anyway. It will probably be sometime early Sunday morning. I guarantee it will be a better blog tomorrow. One of the events I am working Saturday is where Roz and I learned the Ricky Bobby. Yes, I can DO the Ricky Bobby so you'd better learn it to earn it. You'd better read tomorrow's blog to find out what's super crunk this year. TTTT...MITM! Peace and Love!!!!

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