Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Heart Will Go On!

cue today's music... and let's shove off...

I am a little salty this morning (TWSS). I went to my scheduled appointment do donate plasma this morning at 7:30. I scanned my finger (fingerprint recognition) and it said that I was not eligible to donate and someone would be with me in a moment. What's wrong? Was it due to the blood-spurting incident? Did it have to do with my borderline protein level two donations ago? Am I too sexy again (this one happens to me quite frequently)? So, I waited and then spoke with the ladies behind the counter who asked, "when did you donate last week?" I said "I donated Tuesday and Friday and again Tuesday this week." I usually do Tuesdays and Thursdays but changed last week so I could donate my screwing time to the United Way Day of Caring. Apparently no good deed goes unpunished as the adage goes because now that I did Tuesday/Friday that is my new weekly schedule. If I want to switch I have to skip my second donation this week and start again with Tuesday/Thursday next week. I scheduled for tomorrow but I have to think about it. If I do Tuesday/Friday it will mess up my workouts because then there isn't a break between each plasma donation day. You're not supposed to do any heavy lifting after you donate and I don't think I would be too motivated to workout before my plasma donations at 4:30 in the morning. Blogging it here has made me think about it so thanks, as always, for indulging me and helping me to figure out my messes. Choices are: quit donating plasma all together, skip tomorrow and get back on Tuesday/Thursday donations so workouts would work, donate plasma Tuesday/Friday and figure the every-other day workouts with one day being a REALLY early work-out day, quit working out (not an option)...or think of other solution. Darned Day of Caring...A pox on me for caring but if I get a pox and quite donating plasma there may not be a cure for my pox...damn it all to helser!

There were three totally separate Trojan Horse references in my day yesterday. I know I will figure out the significance sooner or later. At least my mind will figure out some lame attempt to tell me there is a link with something. I had a vasectomy like ten years ago or so so that's not the reference...Trojan Man!!! I have so many "blue" references running through my mind but I don't need to work blue...I'm too good for that. Actually I work blue a lot for shock-value but that's not what this blog is about though I'm not entirely sure what this blog is about other than to entertain you and to get things off of my chest (TWSS).

Did you hear there's a new theory as to why the Titanic struck the iceberg? Supposedly there is a relative of one of the ship's crew that wrote a book saying that the cause was a steering problem. There was an order to turn aport but the ship was turned starboard causing the ship to hit the iceberg. The Titanic may have still hit the iceberg but not as directly so she wouldn't have sunken so quickly making it possible for the Carpathia to reach her in time and maybe save everyone on-board. Very coincidental timing when Sugar Momma is heading down to Hannibal/Quincy for this weekend's wine-tasting. And you ask, "how in the heck can Sugar Momma and her friends' (my friends too) weekend in the MIDDLE of America have any tie-in to the Titanic sinking?" Being a student of the town of Hannibal and all things Mark Twain I happen to know that Margaret Brown is from Hannibal Missouri. "Who is Margaret Brown?" you may ask. Margaret Brown was known as Molly Brown and came to be best-known by her nickname The Un-sinkable Molly Brown. She was one of the first women to ever run for public office; she ran for the Senate eight years before women even had the right to vote in America. She survived the Titanic disaster, which is how she got her nickname, and went on to start which was probably one of the first relief funds in American history to help families who lost loved-ones to the Titanic's sinking. You may remember that she was played by Kathy Bates in the film Titanic. I believe she also survived another ship sinking too but I am not sure of that. A truly great person in history. Things you should know brought to you by Matt In The Middle!

Well, it seems I have blogged on about only two main topics today but it helped me work one thing out and hopefully taught you something about MIDDLE-American history. If you already knew about Molly Brown it's still good to be reminded about the great ones who made a difference. Have a nice what should be plasma-donation day - one of my many weaknesses is not letting things go. Thanks for letting me hug it out. I'll blog you again later because I still have to whittle this green notebook down. TTTT...MITM

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