Saturday, September 11, 2010

Matty Says Chillax!

cue music This song will always make me think of Mary (MADYM) and Stacee from now on (which is a good thing).

I worked at a high school football game Friday night and got 8 1/2 hours. Working a college game Saturday should be more than that wouldn't you think? Maybe not because it was actually a sophomore game and the varsity game so I guess it was two games. I'll probably get the same hours and it will be only one game. I'm missing seeing my daughter for this so the more hours the better. While I was in the tunnels in the basketball arena I saw my old neighbor and friend Steve who is the head soccer at Oregon State University. That was really weird seeing him like that. I knew he was in town and was disappointed that I wasn't going to see him because his game and my working were conflicting. It's funny how things work themselves out when you just chillax and go with the flow.

The DeKalb County Fair is going on; some people call it the Sandwich Fair, I call it the DeKalb County Fair...quit bogarting our fair everybody else. Just kidding, you can come to our fair...we MIDDLERS have to stick together. I haven't been to this fair in several years. I hear the food is every expensive there now. You'd think sandwiches would be reasonably priced.

I read a sign the the United Way Day of Caring is this coming Thursday the 16th. I think I am going to call and volunteer to help do whatever it is that they do after I give plasma. He who saves one life saves the whole world in time.

You people in the Chicagoland area how do you feel about Bill Kurtis and Walter Jacobsen being together again doing the news? I think I remember them reporting on the Hindenburg tragedy. Okay,
I don't remember it but I remember hearing that they covered it. Alright, you caught me in a blog-faced lie. They were together a long time ago how about that. It reminded me of a sketch on Mr. Show with Bob Odenkirk (whom I went to college with) and David Cross (whom I have never had the pleasure of meeting). They did a sketch about a news team that had been together since 1925. It reminded my of the reunion of Bill and Walter.

Why is Jazzercise called Jazzercize? It seems to me that they don't really dance to Jazz music right? there's a name that fits what's going on. I think I would do Zumba. Heck, I like just to type Zumba and say to Zumba can you imagine how much fun it must be to do Zumba? Zumba Zumba Zumba!!! That was fun.

I cannot believe how well my novel is coming along. I should already schedule the day at Border's Books when I can do the signings in all of their stores throughout the MIDDLEwest. I kid about the signings but it is coming a long very well.

I don't know why but I just felt like putting the photo of these cows here. I think cows are cool. I really like cheese and cheese comes from milk so maybe I thought of cows because I just had a piece of cheese. There are the cows next to the Blood's Point Cemetery. I'm tired...I'm going to bed to count cows jumping fences. Cows don't jump fences they just jump over the moon. I'll blog better tomorrow, I promise! Have a great Saturday. I think sparky and I are going to go to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch...they have a good veggie sandwich. TTTT - MITM!

roll final credits...fade to fuchsia

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