Thursday, September 2, 2010

Leavin' on a Jet Plane...

So, kiss me and smile for me. Tell me that you'll read my blog, read it like you'll never let it go...'cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane pretty sure I'll be back Mon-day! I will blog when I can but it's a holiday weekend and you'll probably be too busy to read it anyway. BUT...I will blog because that's all I know.

We have tickets for the University of Illinois (where my niece / God-daughter goes to school) game when they play Southern Illinois University (where my daughter-daughter goes to school) but I am working so I cannot go. Sugar Momma and Sparky are still going and I am pretty bummed out because I can't go. My niece and daughter are both amazing and I would like to see them both. Instead I get to see DeKalb High School play Sycamore High School Friday night and North Dakota play Northern Illinois University Saturday. I can tell my daughter is disappointed that we aren't all going too but such is life...parents weekend will be here soon enough and if I know ahead of time I won't volunteer to work that weekend.

It's weird how 8:00 AM seems kind of early to me now. When I was working in construction management 8:00 was about lunch time. It's odd how your perspectives change based on your circumstances.

Today I met my friend and former co-worker Don for lunch. Don got the old heave-ho after I did. He wanted to come out this way (he lives in St. Charles) so we met at The House Cafe. We had a nice lunch and talked for a couple of hours. He isn't heavy but (he's my brother...couldn't resist) he thought he was packing on the LB's so he wanted to pick my brain (toothpick is probably big enough) regarding weight-loss. He has lost 20 pounds and he looks marvelous. I like being a motivator for people who want to lose weight...don't be afraid to ask me - happy to help you. So, Don and I talked about being unemployed and our old jobs and then we got into deep discussions about religion. We both have similar views on religion and we were talking and a guy walked by and over-heard us and said something like, "I had questions too so I became a preacher." Well, was The Lord sending this guy to us right then or was this a coincidence? I, of course, invited him to sit with us and we talked religion for the next 45 minutes with Jamie Page, Lead Pastor of "The Church In Dekalb." Divine intervention? I will be out East this Sunday but I may just stop by and see what this dude has to say next Sunday; I sure hope I don't die in the meantime because the road to Hell is paved by my procrastination.

I think my life became a little more care-free (ish) when I realized that I'm not that attractive. It takes so much pressure off. Once I accept the fact that I am not too bright I think life will become even easier.

Okay my next blog will probably be Saturday from across the street from Camden Yards. Thank you for continuing to read this blog; it makes me happy that you keep coming back. Enjoy your Friday, like you wouldn't have thought of that yourself. Blog you later french fried potater (with cheese steak that I won't have at either Pat's or Geno's but I'll watch Randy eat his). TTFN

** siu helmet tackled from (which i am), u of i helmet clipped from, church of god in dekalb graphic thou shalt stole from & frontier air photo hijacked (can i say that?) from **

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