Tuesday, September 14, 2010

And a Child Shall Lead Them!

cue the music. (announcer) "High atop the highest corncrib in the MIDDLE typing from an undisclosed location in the MIDDLEWEST it's the Matt In The Middle Happy Blog Hour starring Matt Helser. And Now, without further ado....here's Blog Boy...

Thank you Joe Middleton for that warm introduction and to all of you for the countless (okay I could count them but I'm old and lazy and full of wine) birthday wishes Tuesday. I was experiencing a George Bailey moment the last time we met and you Clarence Oddbody'd me back to my senses. Thank you for being nice people and showing my the error of my ways. Kindness is the key no matter what.

Speaking of kindness (I do love my segues - not the riding kind though they are pretty cool too) wait until you read what my 13-year-old son did. He got home from school Tuesday and asked if he could go ride his bike. Of course he can go ride his bike - enjoy the weather before the MIDDLEwest turns into the arctic north. He was gone for awhile but we live in a safe neighborhood on the southside, represent, so I wasn't concerned. Pretty soon he comes in with a bag from the grocery store. He rode his bike to the store, bought cake mix, a can of pineapples and a jar of maraschino cherries - all of the fixins' for pineapple upside-downcake. He made it himself and undercooked it and then went back to the store and bought another mix. The second time around he let me give him a few pointers and it came out fine. I would have eaten the first one with a straw but he wouldn't have that. I said yesterday that I am doing he and my daughter a disservice by making them nice but how can it be a disservice when he can do something like this and make another human-being so proud and happy? He has been obsessed with saving money to get a new X-Box (because the Wii and the PS2 and whatever else we have aren't enough) but he used his X-Box money to buy and make me a cake. To Helser with the diet tonight...LET THEM EAT CAKE! The cake is on the table in the Tiki Room surrounded by 47 various candles (I better unhook the smoke detectors). I am embarrassed that I railed against kindness and good. Be kind! How do you think Citronella will enhance the taste of pineapple? Maybe after we eat the cake we can just move the candles to the big table for the seance.

Thank you for allowing me to once again use the blog as my personal therapy couch. I was donating plasma and thinking about the blog. I think I may have discovered some the reasons I was going through a dark day. I have been surrounding myself with negativity. While flying home from the East (hey why wasn't there a Good Witch of the Middle in the Wizard of Oz?) I was watching Amadeus on Roz. I watched it again the last two times I gave plasma. Amadeus is a fabulous movie but tragic in so many ways. I also recently watched Grapes of Wrath and To Kill a Mockingbird. I am writing a dark downer of a novel. I have seen dead people in cemeteries lately and maybe, subconsciously, the birthday bothers me. If that's the case with the birthday it has to be WAY down there in the subconscious because I feel age is a state of mind and I am just shy of my fourteenth birthday in that arena (I have to stay a little ahead of my son). I think all of these things together were the perfect storm and I blogged over to the dark-side temporarily. The elderberry wine helped me see my evil ways. I tried to drink it out of a bag but it didn't work well out of those re-usable recycling grocery bags. I won't stop doing these things I will just keep a handle on them.

This coming Thursday I was scheduled to donate plasma again but I changed that appointment to Friday because Thursday is the United Way Day of Caring. I called them and they emailed my the list of things available that I could help with. So now Thursday I am going to be tightening and replacing screws in seats at The Egyptian Theater at 9:00 AM. This is the job for me. I can screw with the best of them; I love to screw. The weird thing about this is that on October 2nd The Egyptian Theater is hosting the Egyptian Theater Haunted Tour. People pay to spend the night there with the Illinois Ghost Hunters to investigate for ghosts. The reason this is ironic is that I am trying to get away from the darkness but they keep pulling me back in. May be I should leave some screws out and booby-trap things so they find ghosts.

On behalf of the MIDDLEwest I apologize for the new oil leaks and the increased fuel prices.