Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Stuck in the MIDDLE with You!

Thursday already? There must have been a holiday this past weekend. Don't take your trash to the curb one day too early.

I worked out today for the first time since my trip. It wasn't that bad but that's probably because I was watching Gladiator; I finished Sweatin' To Schindler last week. I love movies about gladiators which probably explains why I'm metro for Russell Crowe. I must have a thing for birds - I love Crowe and I slept with Poe (The Raven). I smell a poem or song coming on. I have also noticed I have a penchant for cemeteries. I went to see Joseph Glidden (invented barbed wire here in DeKalb) right after I started this blog and now I went to Edgar Allan Poe's grave site twice in three days. Sparky and I went to Cleveland earlier this year and I took a photo of a cemetery right across from where the Cleveland Indians play (that photo right there). When Sugar Momma and I visited Key West we went to that cemetery too. There is a cemetery just north of here that I have been wanting to go to and I may go tomorrow after they recycle my blood. Maybe the vampires and zombies don't like newly de-plasmafied blood. And now I want to have a seance? There's something creepy about me...Stacee's right. I started the Macabre Club (should be Mattcabre Club) but maybe that's just the beginning??? Classiness is next to macabreness.

I saw the end of Celebrity Jeopardy today when I got out of the shower after working out. Tomorrow is the finals of all of the week's winners. The finalists are: Jane Curtain, Michael McKeon and Cheech Marin. Who says comedians aren't intelligent. Good thing I'm not funny because then I'd be considered dumber than I already am considered now...there was one?

Oh yeah, I teased yesterday that I would tell you about how I vandalized a van with Idaho plates that was parked next to the Jefferson Memorial. Okay, you know me so "vandalize" is too strong of a word because I wouldn't do that but I punk'd the van I guess. The whole weekend we saw people with Boise State garb on because Boise State was in town playing Virginia Tech in football in Landover, Maryland. It was crazy how many people drove from Idaho to Washington D.C. for this game; who was watching the general stores? Anyway, we got out to the car after visiting T.J. and there was a van parked really close to us in the front like they backed in way too close. I noticed they had two Boise State magnets on the rear of the van so I went up and turned one of the magnets over. Then, thinking I was funny I turned the other one over then I got in the car passenger seat and buckled in. As Randy started the car the brake lights on the van came on. There was a lady in the driver's seat the whole time. she must have been scared out of her mind hearing someone playing with her rear-end (TWSS) in one of the most violent cities in the country. Sorry I messed with your back-side ma'am but I think it brought your team luck as you beat Virginia Tech.. If you need me to follow you around so you keep winning please let me know.

FYI - DirectTV is offering a free NFL Ticket preview this weekend. I will use it and I will love it but I will not buy it because it's too expensive. I have a fantasy football team but I will stay glued to one or two games on TV, one game on the radio and the computer on following the action.

A couple of my good friends (Mary and Stacee) have come up with the thought that Matt In The Middle needs a theme song and they have suggested that Stuck In The Middle With You would be a good theme song. I agree because I am happy to be stuck in the MIDDLE with most of you. The ones who aren't stuck in the MIDDLE...I wish you were here too so we could have a big MIDDLEparty. Let me know when you're coming and I'll have a room ready for you. So, by official Blogger Decree, I know have an official theme song. Thank you MADYM (or MAM) and Stacee; you are my chief councils and I shall consult you on all such matters.

Alright, that's enough out of me. I am giving plasma Thursday and I am going to visit that creepy cemetery just north of here out in the MIDDLE of farm country. If I don't return remember that Stacee and Mary are in charge and don't treat them like substitutes because Judii is in charge of discipline and you don't even want HER on your bad side so behave (you have to watch this one). Blog you later...cue the theme song (I have to figure out how to put music here but I don't want to get you in trouble if you read this at work). Thanks, as always, for stopping by. TTTT!!!!

** boise state graphic removed and turned upside down from and stealers wheel graphic blogged away from **

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