Friday, June 25, 2010

Welcome To My Tropical Hideaway, You Lucky People, You!

Apparently I am driving the teen-age limo to Magic Waters water park today. It should be fun for some of us. It will give me a lot of time with my notebook so I will probably have an entertaining blog tomorrow for a change.

A bird ran into one of the windows in the Tiki Room yesterday (the Tiki Room is what we call the four-season room). Sugar Momma said he was probably on the cell phone. Birds run into the windows of our house all the time. That's probably where the term "bird-brained" comes from. We have the windows with the white grids between the panes of glass but they still run into the windows. I guess maybe they're trying to get a job in the Tiki Room. I have to say that if you're a bird that's probably one of the sweetest gigs on the planet. IT'S A DIFFERENT "TIKI ROOM" AND WE"RE NOT HIRING!

Yesterday the kids and I rode our bikes down to the Farmer's Market. It made me remember why I prefer doing it alone. We got there a few minutes early so we went to the store by the market to get something to drink. The store had those new rubber bands that are shaped like different things. My son got the "treats" package and my daughter got the "zoo animals" or "safari animals" or "rain forest" package. It's hard to remember because it took them like twenty minutes to decide between all of the choices. My son gave me a milkshake shaped rubber band because he had doubles and my daughter gave me a walrus because I have adopted a manatee (Elsie) and the walrus rubber band closely resembles a manatee []. Is it just we Americans that are this gullible and waste our money on garbage like fashion rubber bands? This country, me included, is a snake-oil salesman's gold mine.

I was happy to see that Sunny Day Organic Bakery had their tie-dye back up this week at the Farmer's Market. This week I bought a loaf of the vegan potato-onion bread and a loaf of the vegan jalapeno cheese bread. Day two of the vegetarian diet went well. Cheese pizza with tomatoes and onions for lunch and steamed broccoli and low fat cottage cheese for dinner.

Do you suppose they have WIFI at a waterpark? I don't see me going down the lazy river or the water slides by myself and I am certain 13-year-old boys don't want a MIDDLE-aged fart hanging around them. They probably don't have a Tiki Bar right? I will bring a couple of books and maybe stop and get a magazine and, of course, Roz will be with me to drown out (certainly no pun intended) the screaming masses. Why did I volunteer for this mission? I hope there is a Navy Cross or some kind of a distinguished medal-of-honor in it for a mission of this magnitude. No medal is required, however, as I do it for love of family, sir!

I should start packing up the team water park bus. The website says you can bring a cooler into the park if is under 48 quarts and you can take in factory-sealed beverages. I am going to have to check to see if one of our coolers is under 48-quarts but I am sure at least one is. That will make it easier to stay vegetarian through day three if I can bring in my cooler. It will probably save money because I imagine that even water is expensive at a water park (weird).

If you're at Magic Waters in Rockford stop by the little island that I am going to plant my flag on and inhabit. I will be the guy all alone with the 48-quart or smaller cooler. I probably shouldn't have said where I am going to be today because now it will most-likely be mass-chaos. I hope my security detail is ready to handle the day they are about to have. That's why I pay them the big bucks I guess. Enjoy your Friday and I'll blog you tomorrow before our 8:30 AM batting practice/game. TA MH!

** tiki room photo crooned from, rubberbands photo snapped from and magic waters photo splash-tastic-ed from **

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