Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Foul Play is Afoot!

Good morning Middle-ites. The sun is out and the temperature and humidity are down but it's just the way Mother Nature shows who is in charge. Within the next day or two it will be raining or very hot or very humid...that's the joy of living in the Middlewest. I love diversity and change. Ironically, I don't change I just stay here and get my diversity and change through the weather.

I feel pretty young most of the time since I am in better shape now - straight is a better shape than round - but my 18-year-old daughter made me feel old the other day. I guess just by having an 18-year-old daughter I should feel old but we were talking about Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis this past weekend and she didn't even know who she was. Jackie Kennedy was the first lady when I was born. She was one of the most famous first ladies off all time. I felt a little better yesterday when I heard Katie Holmes is going to be playing her in an upcoming movie. I hope the movie does great so I can feel young when everybody knows who Jackie O is again. I like Katie Holmes too. It's weird when period-piece films are based on the time-line within your lifetime.

Yesterday I was mowing the lawn and came across death on Mattgarita Island. There was a dead bird under one of the trees by Sugar Momma's bird sanctuary in the back yard. I stopped mowing and went and got a shovel and buried the little bird in the sanctuary area. I went back to mowing and before long I found dead bird number two. I buried that bird also and started my crime-scene investigation. Two dead birds within a few feet from one another suggests foul-play to me. I am waiting for the forensic results to come back but I am certain we have a murder investigation situation on our hands on Mattgarita Island. "CSI Mattgarita Island!" Has Foxy Loxy returned? Are we luring birds to our yard as a smorgasbord for a neighborhood cat? Is Sugar Momma giving out poisoned bird seed? There are several suspects and scenarios but there has never been a crime on Mattgarita Island that I couldn't solve...could this be the one that makes me hang up my Brokeback hat? I will be vigilant in protecting these birds from mass murder. Be warned predator - now you are the one being stalked! stay tuned...

I went back to mowing and listening to Roz's Earth Day play list. A few songs later "Circle of Life" began playing. That happens all the time with my i-Pod. There are probably dozens of songs that could have come up in the random shuffle that would have weirdly fit into the Great Mattgarita Island Bird Massacre of 2010 but it's still eerie and it happens all the time (not murders but songs fitting the situations).

I do my best thinking when I am mowing. It must be the hum of the Toro. Maybe I should start a lawn service. I mow pretty well and I could throw in animal funerals on the side.

Sugar Momma had heard on the radio that since the economy is so bad the credit card companies aren't sending out all of the credit card offers that they were sending out because so many people were defaulting on the credit cards. I did notice that it has slowed down and I am grateful. I have a box that I put all of that junk mail into and we use that paper to start our fire-pit fires. With all of the rain lately we haven't had too many fires so the box is pretty full. One of the bad things about those offers not flooding the U.S. Postal Service it is putting a strain on the USPS because, as it turns out, that was a big part of what they were delivering. "The Circle of Life." Ironically, when I got done mowing yesterday I went to the mailbox and we did get one of those stupid credit card offers but we used to get five or six every day.

Wow, this got long quick (TWSS) so I will stop blogging right here before there's far too much to take in here. I have more notes...awesome, I already have tomorrow's blog started.

It's hump day (cue the Humpty Dance, pronounced with an "umpty", music and shake your booty). Enjoy your day today because "there's more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than can ever be done" so slow down and enjoy yourself a little. Blog you again potato skin...MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!

** jackie kennedy photo archived from, csi photo forensically removed from & circle of life ransacked from **

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