Friday, June 4, 2010

Treasure Found On Mattgarita Island!

Aloha! I'm back from the airport and my Hawaiian brother is back in the Middlewest for a couple of weeks. It's chilly this morning (about 60 degrees) so it probably feels like about 30 degrees to him. My dad and I picked him up at the airport (ORD) and we were back to my parent's house by 5:45; it's nice to get in and out early (TWSS) and be going against traffic (TWSS) when rush hour begins.

This being up at 3:00 AM thing works to my advantage on days like this. I figure I must have been conditioned for this "military" wake-up ability when I was in Drum & Bugle Corps as a kid. You really don't know what parts of your life are preparing you for later until you get there and are prepared. I should probably be a limo driver with my ability to adapt quickly. I was, actually, a limo driver for a very short period of time between jobs quite a while ago. Sugar Momma commented then that I had a weird odor about me. She said it wasn't smelly but just different. I never figured out what it was but I am guessing maybe formaldehyde from dying a slow death from never sleeping. My body was rotting from the inside like in a Stephen King novel.

Tomorrow is Splenda's official graduation. It seems very exciting for her and it is a big deal when it happens but both Sugar Momma and I say we can hardly remember anything about that day/night. Funny how such big things become not so big later on. I guess as we go through our life's journey high school graduation is pretty small in comparison to what comes after. Enjoy it while you can youngsters...the Middle-ages are coming fast.

As promised, here are some before and after photos of Mattgarita Island. I just put them out there in the margin and took off the kitchen tile project. Hopefully you'll all get a chance to come out and visit Mattgarita Island at one time or another. As you might imagine, in the Middle it is seasonal. During excavation I uncovered buried treasure on the new site of the bar. The Easter Bunny left a little present to help pay for the renovation. I should probably hang this quarter behind the bar like most bars hang their first dollars...I believe I will. It will be there until some neighbor kid hears the ding-ding man (that's right I said ding-ding man). "Whatcha lookin' for, buried treasure?" (Splash!)

I just went downstairs to get some Macadamia nuts that just got off the plane from Oahu and the whole house smells like Axe. Apparently it's better to small good than to feel good dahling. Maybe I should have used Axe when I drove the limo. Axe didn't exist yet then...maybe I should have invented Axe when I drove the limo. I went in my son's room to get his Axe collection for a photo, I guess I should have included his guitar in the photo, and I wonder how he decides which way to smell on any given day. I guess today is "last day to be seventh-grader Axe." What ever happened to Old Spice? I guess it got the Axe (omg am I hilarious? - the answer should have been yes!)

On the way from the airport to Boulder Hill, Limo'ing my brother for his Middlewestern Tour, he mentioned the Interstate in Hawaii? Is that even possible? He said H3 is the shortest Interstate in the country. Considering it cannot join two states unless you have like a 3,000 mile bridge I would imagine so. I always thought "inter" meant "between" two or more and "intra" meant "within" one. Maybe the Middle educational system is failing me. Oh well, it's too late to re-learn that kind of thing now; I'll just chalk it up to intramural stupidity. I must be one of the moron twins..."we're not twins." (Splash!)

You know better weather is here when the Farmer's Marker is open in MiddleCornTownville, USA. Splenda and I stopped by yesterday. We didn't buy much because we didn't need anything but we did gt two peaches (very juicy and good), a vegetarian cheddar jalapeno muffin with vegan cheese to split (haven't tried it yet) and got free samples of fresh kettle corn (will probably buy some next time). It runs every Thursday now until sometime in October. Come on out; I'll buy you a fresh lunch.

"Have a happy Friday" from The Department of Redundancy Department. Mahalo for reading this; you are all like ohana. Blog you tomorrow...Aloha!

** gunnery sgt. hartman photo bivouaced from **

1 comment:

  1. These photos looked better when I previewed. Doesn't preview usually show how the view should look? The blog photos are positioned totally different than in the preview...sorry. Just imagine the blog looking better than it does.
