Saturday, June 26, 2010

I Hope You Like Your Matt Extra Crispy!

Happy Weekend.

We have a game this morning. I have to be there at 8:30 so I will make think kinda short and maybe sweet. I still have to do the line-up this morning too. It has rained but it isn't raining now so I think we will play today.

Yesterday was a sunny day and I have red thighs, ankles, chest, cheeks (on my face - this was a family place) prove it. It turns out that Hawaiian Tropics does not contain sunscreens. I have always liked Hawaiian Tropics because it smells like pineapple and coconut but it "DOES NOT CONTAIN SUN SCREENS." Oh well, live and burn (that is a statement on sunburn and cremation and hopefully not on Hades).

Before we went to Magic Waters yesterday I went to Wal-Mart and filled the 48-quart cooler with snacks and water. I bought a 28 pack of water for $3.48 and ice and was really happy I did. The water was $2.50 per bottle at the water park so that would have been $70.00 for the same 28 that I paid $3.48 for. Summer tip - go to the websites before you head out to places; you could save $66.52 which will help cover the prices of admissions.

I did the unthinkable yesterday. I left and forgot music while I baked in the sun? Next time I am going to pump music into the oven so the potatoes aren't bored while tanning. Fortunately, I had my HP Mini laptop and they had WIFI at the park. I love listening to radio stations from throughout the world from time to time for ideas for i-Pod downloads so this was one of those days. I listened to KINE 105 (Hawaii) and I listened to "No Shoes Radio" which is a Kenny Chesney station like Radio Margaritaville is to Jimmy Buffett. I have never really been a country music fan but the older I get the more diverse I get and Chesney seems to be the heir-apparent to Buffett though musicians don't really retire I guess. I like the island feel and message of the music. It was great but laptop batteries only last a couple of hours and we were there for seven. Why don't they have ELECTRICAL outlets surrounding the pool for my charger?

I also took Weight-Watchers cheese sticks (ching), baby carrots, cheese popcorn, Pringles (ca-ching)... I was happy I did that as well as being newly vegetarian the only two choices I would have had were a $5.95 peanut butter sandwich or a $5.95 peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Peanut butter and jelly in the sun doesn't sound appealing to me. I ate a lot of baby carrots and 4 cheese sticks and drank A LOT of water. My son and his two friends seemed to eat well though. I had once heard a story that when Susan Dey was working on The Partridge Family she constantly dieted and one time she ate only carrots and she actually had an orange-hue about her. Maybe I'm not sunburn at all...maybe I'm tanning from the inside out.

The Pepsi Crew (or whatever they are called) was there handing out free samples of Wild Cherry Pepsi. I don't drink hardly any caffeine so I did not have any. Me and caffeine do not mix. I self-diagnosed myself with a caffeine allergy a while back. I would get acid-reflux off-and-on and pin-pointed it to when I had caffeinated beverages or chocolate... I still have some occasionally but very infrequently. I really don't need it as a crutch anyway. (No Starbuck's ca-ching for me).

I heard on the Hawaiian radio station that the Likelike (pronounced "leak-eh-leak-eh) Highway was closed near Honolulu (Pearl City) due to a downed tree. They didn't specify but I'll bet it was a palm tree. I also heard on "The KINE" that one pint of blood can save up to three lives so I think I will go over and give blood again Monday since they recently called me to donate again. Do you think when the blood center in Hawaii purchased that air time (though it was probably a free public-service message) on a radio station in Hawaii they thought some knucklehead in the MIDDLE Mainland would give blood because of it? You never know who your actions or words can effect.

Okay that was sorta short and I talked about Pepsi so it was sweet. Have a nice Saturday and I will blog you tomorrow.

** hawaiian tropics photo burned from, carrot graphic julienne'd from and likelike highway photo "downed" from **

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