Thursday, June 3, 2010

An Island Bar Needs Sea Creatures!

I am almost done outside. The bar is 85% done, the lawn is mowed and the mulching is just about completed. I will post a photo of the bar (before and after) on tomorrow's blog. While I was mowing yesterday I found a new creature on our patio. He was already dead so I am guessing a bird must have carried him from the lake or creek to our house but it was weird seeing it on our patio...makes an island bar seem more islandy. I think it's a crawdad but I prefer to think it's a baby lobster. I shall call him Mini-Lob! No, his name was Sebastian, what else? RIP Sebastian.

I figured out why I got sunburned Sunday. I wasn't wearing my Brokeback hat. While I was working outside yesterday I had my Brokeback hat on and the sunburn didn't seem to get worse. That's why they wear those hats. I truly am a redneck now though. A red neck, red shoulders, red back...

I asked Sugar Momma this question the other day and she didn't know the answer. It's kind of old but see if you know the answer...Do you know why men generally die before women?....Because they want to.

Tomorrow's blog will either be posted tonight, REALLY early tomorrow morning, or mid-day tomorrow. I am heading with my dad to O'Hare (ORD) to pick up my brother. His flight gets in at 5:08 AM I think. My brother lives in Hawaii. Good question...why would he come here? He's coming for Splenda's high school graduation. He moved to Hawaii shortly after Sugar Momma had the shackles slapped on me in 1988. He has lived in Hawaii for 22 years. Next year he will have lived in Hawaii as long as he lived in Illinois.

Do you know why O'Hare's location identifier is ORD? In 1942 the airport was formed to build Douglas C-54's during WW II. At that time the area where O'Hare now sits was a small community called Orchard Place. They combined the Orchard Place and Douglas Field and came up with ORD. It probably made sense then but without knowing the origin it's confusing to people now who hear it for the first time. That's your MIDDLE USA trivia nugget for today. "You learn something every day..."

I thought of a new term yesterday SMILF (Step Mom I'd to Facebook). Step-moms get a bad rap thanks to Cinderella's evil stepmother. Why do all these fantastic women who take on other women's responsibilities get the business because of one fairytale step mommy dearest. I declare next week June 6 - June 12 SMILF Week!!! The week after that will be SDILF Week. I think there actually is a word SMILF but I think it has to do with soccer moms - see, step-moms get the shaft (TWSS) again.

Well, I have to haul (or do I prefer the word "lug"?) tables and chairs up to the garage so they can be picked up for my niece's graduation party. This works out very well because this way when they bring them back they will already be upstairs for Splenda's graduation party so, technically, I am not waiting until the last minute like I so often do.

Can you believe it's Thursday already? Usually I would take the garbage out tonight but with the holiday the garbage doesn't get picked up until Saturday so I will take it out tomorrow night. I love when there is a holiday because it makes me feel falsely smarter than the people who take their garbage out a day too early. But then I will forget to take it out tomorrow night and they will actually be the smart ones. DRAT!

Have a SMURFY Thursday (thought of that because of SMILF). Hey when's that new SMURF movie coming out? My, how I do ramble when I'm sleepy..wait until tomorrow. Blog you again tomorrow...

**ORD photo re-routed from **

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