Sunday, June 13, 2010

SplendaFest 2010

Wow, I have a headache and a very dry mouth this morning. It must be sinuses.

As you may recall in our last episode of "Matt in the Middle" we were watching MiddleMatt and Sugar Momma prepare for Splenda's graduation party. The party has come and gone and there are plenty of stories to tell...most of which will not be told here because What happened on Mattgarita Island happened on Mattgarita Island (didn't want to totally steal Vegas' catch-phrase). Speaking of what happened on Mattgarita Island please check the photo of lost and found items and stop by and claim them if they are yours and you want them back. It's the old "leave stuff at The Helser's so we can go back and have another Mai Tai routine" eh? (photo not available because the camera should be on that photo of lost things I guess).

We set up two tents in the yard with tables and chairs beneath Friday night because we knew there was a chance of rain. We waited until the last minute to set up the tents purposely because it tends to get windy in the Middle-States from time to time. Have you ever seen the most famous movie about Middle-State Kansas, The Wizard of Oz? (side note: did you hear that Robert Downey Jr. is set to play Professor Marvel/Wizard of Oz in a prequel to The Wizard of Oz - kind of how he became the Wizard of Oz?) So...we had everything set up and my son and I were off to our baseball game. While we were in Kirkland, IL it began to rain and there was talk of it stopping so we waited but it kept coming. And then..."The wind began to switch - the house to pitch and suddenly the hinges started to unhitch..." I got a call from Hurricane Sugar Momma that the sky was falling back at SplendaFest 2010. The field was covered in water so I flipped it into four-wheel-drive and headed South Bound and Down...

One of the tents had been totally uprooted and turned over and the other one, thankfully the one we borrowed, appeared okay. We did damage repair and moved the tents closer to the house (on the patio precisely) with the help of our Guardian Angel Beach Patrol family The Petersen's. The main reason, other than the obvious reason of helping get the yard back in order after the micro-burst or whatever hit Mattgarita Island, they were here, it turned out, was so Hurricane Sugar Momma's winds could die down a bit because her husband was trying to coach a baseball game. Thank you Petersen's! In hindsight I should have probably let the assistance coach handle it for the day or try to reschedule the game.

So SplendaFest 2010 began and there were 2,000,001 in attendance. One more than witnessed the Blackhawks' Stanley Cup parade. The same people who estimated their attendance also did our party's...I'm sure they are both about as accurate. There were a lot of people here and I am happy for Splenda; who wants to have a party in your honor and have nobody show - that only happens to Charlie Brown. It was a great time and the "after party" was even more fun. Fortunately I do not remember anything any one did or said after 6:00 PM (Mattgarita Island code). Thank you everyone for coming. It was nice talking about all the people who weren't able to join us wasn't it?

There were a lot of reunions with members of our family and dear friends that we hadn't seen in quite a while. It was almost like This Is Your Life for Splenda but just as much for Sugar Momma and I. There were also many many current friends that attended. I wish we weren't in mingle-mode so much so we could have spend more time with each and every one of you (well, most of you anyway). Now that the Truman Capote family has helped to kick off the summer party season we look forward to seeing most of your throughout the summer.

Then this morning I was out there at 5:00 AM cleaning up.The clock on my side of the bed has a time zone button on the back and someone mistakenly (I will assume mistakenly) switched it so it said 7:00 when it was actually 5:00. Oh well, got it cleaned up before the rain came again that way.

I will post photos if I ever find the camera...was there maybe some incriminating evidence nobody wanted me to see or did I Mai Tai the camera somewhere and cannot find it? Stay tuned for more SplendaFest 2010 tomorrow and maybe some photos? Thanks, as always, for reading my blog and I'll blog you later gators!

** photo not available photo was made available by, twister photo was taken by broomstick from, beach patrol photo poached from and mai tai photo trader vic'd from **

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