Monday, June 21, 2010

Finally the Fishhook Story

Looks like more thunderstorms are ahead for us Middlers in the next couple of days. Very dark to the West already this morning. Last night I tried to fold up the last remaining framework for one of those yard tents. It was bent to heck too so we ended up buying two tents that we cannot use. I guess we got two new tarps out of the deal. Don't buy those semi-inexpensive ($75 - $110) tents if you have any kind of breeze at your place.

If you're speaking to someone from Canada how do you know if they're talking about a mouse or a moose?

Why are the Daytime Emmy Awards broadcast at night?

Sugar Momma said the other day that if she could have any body she wanted she'd want Sofia Vergara's (ABC's Modern Family) body. Being a good husband I agreed and said that's probably the one I'd want too.

Okay so I have told you the last couple of days that I would tell you what the bone fish hook that I got at an open-air market in Hawaii and wear around my neck means to me. The build-up makes it seem important and more interesting than it is. The build-up is only because I kept forgetting to write about it until the ends of my blogs and then they were already pretty wordy.

Historically, and still today, the ocean has been the lifeblood of the Hawaiian people and the islands themselves. The ocean provides: recreation, travel, beauty and sustenance for the people of the islands. Given all of this the Hawaiian fishhook to me represents the family bond of working together to survive and enjoy life. It also reminds me of the ocean which helps to calm me when life's waters get choppy. A lot of times people take what they have for granted and the fishhook, to me, is kind of a reminder that times have not always been as they are for most of us now. It makes me appreciate what our ancestors sacrificed for us. It's important to remember our struggles so we can appreciate what we have. A lot of the world still struggles every day to survive. The Hawaiian fishhook makes me thankful that I have a strong family bond and that we spend time together traveling and enjoying the world's beauty and each others' company. It reminds me to respect our resources as they allow us a means of survival. It helps to keep me centered and grounded. Most people have things that remind them of these things and help them to stay focused on their journey whether they be: photographs or rosary beads or a four-leaf clover or a visual picture...they are all things that help to remind us of what is important and give us comfort in times of trouble.

It seems that the first wave of the Middlewest storm has passed so I am going to get some clothes on the line and take advantage of the breeze right now. I know it's Monday but without Mondays you wouldn't appreciate Friday's so much. Have a nice day and Mahalo for reading my you tomorrow...ALOHA!

** sofia vergara photo body-doubled from & fish hook photo plucked from the web at **

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