Friday, August 10, 2018

Welcome to America Vlad and Amalija

Today Jill is going to take me over urgent care to try to get to the bottom of my severed Achilles tendon. If you read yesterday you already know that Dr. Hypocritic (not Hippocratic apparently) Oath did nothing for me other than taking some X-rays to see that the tendon was severed and sold me one Herman Munster boot for $250.00. They took some casts of my feet at the office  and are having some shoes made especially for me but I will never see these shoes. Oh yeah, he did file down the callouses on the bottom of my stub (formerly a big toe). I am in the exact same condition now as I was when I first (and last) visited his office. Well, not exactly the same condition as my left knee hurts when I walk now because of the overcompensating for the bad drumstick. My good foot doesn't consist of five complete toes so I have walked on the outside of my left foot for almost 40 years. If he was going to send me back in the same condition wearing my same shoes why did he even go further with the illusion of trying to help me? I am interested what they will say about my injury at the hospital. I am prepared for anything. So, maybe I will go back to work in worse shape than I was in before or I will be fixed or they will have to schedule a surgery (I imagine it would be an outpatient thing).

Thank you for letting me vent a bit and, who knows, maybe there will be more venting before TTTT time?
Welcome to the craziest show on Earth Mr. and Mrs. Knavs
I saw on the news this morning that we have two new naturalized American citizens that were immigrants just a few days ago. Melania Trump's mum and dad were granted citizenship and are now citizens. Are we friendly with Slovenia? I am not sure if they climbed over the invisible wall on the Mexican border or if they flew to Canada and crossed the border there because our Commander and Cheese would not let immigrants into this country. They are not even separated from their child. I wonder if they will live in the White House. Is this the "chain migration" that the dimwit in chief was talking about? Even if you like Trump you have to know he is not bright, correct? I wish the Knavs a great life in America and want them to know that we do like their daughter even though she has horrid taste on a spouse.

Tomorrow Cha Cha and I are planning to go to Rockford for a political rally unless she has to go alone because I am having surgery or something. I would prefer to get my flat tire repaired but who knows what will happen with that at this point?  Anyway, it is a Sara Dady for Congress. It is a blue-wave kickoff party. I believable I mentioned it here before.

I am watching Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri for the third time. Jill and I fist watched it on a pay-per-view deal and then, about a week or so after that, it showed-up on HBONOW that we already pay for - it was money well spent though because it is a great movie.

I guess I will see if Cha Cha can take me over to the hospital now. If not, as she is working from home, I can ask Fabio to take me or, very last resort, I could drive myself. The last one is a bad idea because if they do a mini outpatient surgery or something I would have no way to get home. I would just hang-out in the cafeteria or something. Fabio was kind enough to take me over to my our place of employment.

I am back from the Physicians Immediate Care in Sycamore. They gave me the once-over and said, given my injury, I should see an Orthopedist and they gave me information for two that they recommend. If you know anything about Fox Valley Orthopedics or Midwest Orthopedics Institute please let me know.  I am leaning toward MOI as they are closer. They also gave me a note for my employer to say that I need to see an Orthopedist before they will release me. They did agree that it would not get better by itself. I am still thinking that there will have to be surgery at one time or another. However, I am not a doctor so I am just guessing. It is after 17:00 now so I will call these places in the morning and try to set-up an appointment. All I know is that this is a total pain in the ankle. It is weird how much we take driving for granted at times like this.

For dinner tonight I am thinking salads and musk melon. I am going finally cut the musk melon. Jill wanted musk melon and one store said that it was the same as cantaloupe but it is not. Jewel had musk melons so she gets to enjoy her musk melon. I think I may have a few more bloody marys again tonight; I noticed that my ankle didn't ache as much after three vodka drinks and I do love bloodys. I just now wish that we had gotten some wasabi peas for the drinks. Damn!

I am going to end now because my brain is babbling to itself. I hope you have a great evening and sleep well. TTTT...MITM (out) ;)

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