Saturday, August 11, 2018

Gunna Go Watch Me Some Stump Thumpin'

Today is Saturday the eve of Cha Cha's birthday. At midnight tonight we will be the same age for 32 days and then I will be one day older than her again and then and add one day every subsequent day until August 12th in 2019. If you're near Rockford (though we are not that close) you can see Cha Cha and I in person Sara Dady's political rally at Irish Rose Saloon at 519 East State Street. She is a Democratic candidate running for Congress. From what I have learned about her she is a really good candidate and I hope to learn more this evening before making my final decision. If I find her worthy of my vote I will reach out to President Obama to, maybe, throw his support her way. Yes, I loved Obama as President and voted for him a few times. You can learn more about Dady on her Facebook page Sara Dady for Congress or on her website Sara Dady for Congress on Facebook.

There is a live duel between Omarosa and 45. I think that they are both full of shit and a case of sour grapes and wanting to sell books. They are both selling bullshit. I just find it humorous that two morons are arguing about something that doesn't really even matter; they both are just trying to be centers of attention. I guess they have accomplished that.

I am sorry that I was gone so long. I decided to mow the front yard; I did not take into account all of the grass clippings that would end-up in my stabilization boot or whatever it is really called. Then, I sprayed the weeds between the sidewalk cracks and so-forth.

Now I am back in the air-conditioning, debooted, watching The X-Files on HULU with Cha Cha. We watched this every week without fail. I learned a new word while watching this episode. I learned a new word watching this episode and I know that Exsanguinate means to lose blood to the degree to cause death. We didn't have Google and such when we watched  it 90's. I am enjoying it as much now as I did then.

I am going to end now because it is a bit past 3 PM and we are going to leave around 4 even though it doesn't start until 5:30 but it will take us close to an hour to get there and then to find parking and all. Maybe we'll see you there? I WANT TO BELIEVE that I will see someone that I know there. Thanks for stopping by. TTTT...MITM (out there with the truth) nanu nanu!

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