Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Blogging Can Wait

It is nearly 15:00 and I am done running-around town for now. I donated plasma, went to my physical therapy session and did some grocery shopping. What else? I threw the Frisbee for Jeff as that requires no use of my legs. I went to the curb to get the new rolling garbage can that was delivered because we are getting a new refuse company beginning September first. We liked the old company and voiced that to the city government but I suppose they get some kind of a payola or a kickback or something? I am not going to hold anything against the new company unless they suck. While I bled and de-plasma'd I watched Heaven Can Wait. I cannot believe that it came out in 1978. I saw it at the theater so I must be really old. I don't think I have ever seen the original from the 1940's. Warren Beatty has done some good movies.

I just checked my calendar and I have to continue physical therapy until September 19th (twice a week). Damn, I want to get back to work though I do want to be 100 % or, at least, 72%ish.
Here's a photo of me in driver's education class

When I was on the way home I passed one of the private drivers education companies in town's driver's eds cars and it was a Mercedes Benz with the stupid letters all over the car. My kids both learned from that company many years ago, because they could do it over summer break, and I think they were driving around in a mini-van. There must be a lot of money in that racket.

If you are in the mood for some entertainment go to Google and search the word "idiot." Check the "all" category, the "images" category, the "news" category, and the "videos" category. Every single one of them will begin with a barrage of the same things. Yes, you may already know what that thing/things is/are but it is still worth the fun. Sorry, if you are not intelligent enough to realize that what you will see is accurate. If you read the blog I am confident that you are smart enough to see the truth here.

Man, we had some wicked storms last night here in the town where barbed wire was invented. It sounded like the siding was coming off of the house. I was happy to go outside this morning that see the siding did survive. Jeff was a nervous wreck most of the night. He is very sensitive to storms and he is more reliable than the television and radio weather broadcasts. He makes the bed shake like magic fingers but he pants like crazy. He is more accurate than any barometer that I have ever seen.

I don't have physical therapy again until next week but I do donate plasma again on Friday. Donating plasma takes about an hour so I will try to find something to watch that is about 45 minutes or so. Maybe a documentary or a television show. I will be there Friday at 10 AM if you want to cash-in on that bounty on me or lie next to so we can bleed together. I need to find some more interesting things to do because, as I write this, I realize that I have some very mundane adventures.

I have to pay the property taxes early next week. I cannot believe how much our taxes are here. I think, if we ever decide to down-size we will get a smaller place with less land. That was supposed to be the American dream (to own land) but I am sure that notion started in the mind of someone who collected the taxes. With just the two of us (and one dog) I would be just as happy with a two-bedroom apartment.

I am done boring myself. Thanks for letting me bore you too. Sometimes there isn't enough boredom in the world. TTTT...MITM (out) zzzzzzzzzzz...

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