Monday, August 6, 2018

An Abbreviated Blog!

I am prepping dinner for tonight; incidentally, we are having charred peach and feta flatbreads with frise'es salad tonight. I usually put on some music or a movie while I prep and cook. This time I decided to watch Escape from Alcatraz while I prepped. Not long into the movie, around 20 minutes or so, Clint Eastwood's character (Frank Morris) got assigned to work in the prison library with Paul Benjamin's character (English). English had been sent to Alcatraz for killing two honkies (English, if you hadn't gathered or, you don't remember, is an African American) so he said he would never get off of The Rock. The reason I go into too much detail is the same reason (sort of) why I am still off from work - we both had/have Achilles heels issues. I do not know how/when/where mine occurred but English severed his own Achilles so he could get removed from D-Block. I forgot that one of the men that escaped from Alcatraz was named Charlie Butts. Jill's father and grandfather were both named Charles (Charlie) Butts. Her dad went by Jerry as Gerald was his middle name. I think that one of the reasons that Jill agreed to marry me 30 years ago is just to get rid of her surname.

It is much later than it was when I wrote that previous paragraph. Jill is home now and we are done eating our dinner. It was very good, I thank the fine people at Sun Basket even though we did not use their foods this time. I just used one of the recipes that we hadn't used before. I do like that their ingredients do come in the proper quantity and we have quite a bit left over now. I will have to work the kinks out of this thing.

I have not watched many political things since Saturday; the meditation/talk at the Buddhist temple this week really gave me pause and made me to realize that I was getting bogged-down in the mire. I am nosy, by nature, so I feel that this is quite a milestone for me. I sincerely feel much more content. That may also be due to not working for about three weeks. I am still not sure when I will be able to return to work.

I am having computer issues so I am going to quit before I cannot even post this at all. Thanks for slowing down to read this abbreviated blog. I will blog tomorrow because I am still a semi-temporary cripple. TTTT...MITM (out)

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