Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Gallbladders and Hurricanes - what a week for the Helser boys

Looks more like Club Med or something
Sorry I didn't blog yesterday but I was with my dad in the hospital. Today he is in an assisted nursing home (just temporarily until he is ready to go home) called Alden Gardens of Waterford. The people there are really nice and do care about helping others. Dad is in pretty good shape and making a quick recovery from having the infected gallstones out and then his gallbladder removed. His body was trying to kill itself from inside but that will not happen now that they have removed the instruments of destruction. I stopped by his house and took him the several things on his list. I stayed there for a few hours and left when they took him down for lunch and physical therapy. I guess I was there for a few hours but I know he will need his rest.

My dad and I watched a few old westerns while I was there and now, being in the mood for westerns, I am watching Silverado as I write today's blog. We watched Wagon Train and The Rifleman and a few others. If you want to watch Silverado it is on Netflix.

We talked a little politics as the news was on when I first arrived. We do not agree on many things politically but neither of us offended the other. We just kind of tip-toed around certain parts as he has no problem with the current orange culture and I have different views on how things should be. He did blast the Clintons (primarily Hillary) once or twice but I just let that go other than to say that she did win the popular vote. The Buddhist meditations help me a great deal. I let the small things, and many of the medium and large things, go for the most part. Perhaps I have grown as a huwoman being? How come the word is huMAN? I think the women are the smarter sex percentage-wise though I base that on opinion rather than any data that I have seen. I do, however, know that I am correct.

Tomorrow I am going to donate plasma again and then, on Thursday, I begin my physical therapy for the Achilles tendon. For the most part, the Achilles isn't bothering me. The problem that is more prevalent is the left knee cap. I think the left knee is aggravated for having to carry most of the load for several months now and just wants some attention. Of course, when I go to therapy I will mention that to them. Maybe doing more than it's share with half of a big toe missing on that left foot is aggravating the situation? Time will tell but it does not heal all wounds as they say.

Hurricane Lane not my dad's gallbladder
My brother, who lives in Hawaii, says that some pretty sever storms are coming their way. Volcanic eruptions aren't enough, I guess. Living in paradise comes with a price. Here is his Facebook post "Hurricane Lane (now a category 4 and 500 miles southeast of Big Island) update on the 9'oclock news tonight.. from the sounds of it we will get a lot of wind, rain & humidity, if not a direct hit to one or more Islands.. Hurricane Lane is heading our way, could make land fall within 48 to 72 hours.. Hope everyone is prepared and stays safe!!!" Stay safe little bruddah!

I suppose that I all I have in me for today. Have a great rest of your week though I may blog at ya again tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out) 

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