Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Maybe Jeff is Allergic to the Blog?

I did blog two days ago though you did not see it because I tried to do some stuff that caused everything to disappear to be found nowhere so, I took my ball and just went home. I will try to remember some of what I wrote about and replicate it now. If you do not see it you will know it didn't work but, then again, you will never know I tried to make it work then either.

On Saturday Jill and I went up to Rockford for the Blue Wave rally to support the state Democratic candidates. We, specifically went up to see Sara Dady but were surprised when Governor-hopeful J B Pritzker's campaign bus pulled-up and he and Lieutenant Governor running mate, Julianna Stratton got out of the bus and both spoke. I believe that current Governor Bruce Rauner needs to go. So, now we have a J B Pritzker sign in our front yard. I am not sure how many people will see it in our cul-de-sac it is there. I was impressed by Pritzker but I was more impressed by Stratton.

Jeff, our Border Collie roommate, sees to have allergies. I imagine that we are feeding him too many things that are not made for dogs. He was getting gunk in his eyes and we would wipe it out and then Cha Cha web on line and saw that dogs can take Benadryl. If you find that you want to try this investigate for your own pet because it depends on the weight of the animal that dictates how often and how many you can give to your pet. It seems to work pretty well with Jeff.

I just got back from donating plasma at BioLife here in town. It was the second time I donated this week so I have $100 on my new BioLife MasterCard debit/credit card. I have two more appointments scheduled for next week. If you decide you want to do this let me know because I can get a bonus for referring people. I will split the bonus with you 50/50 so we both get a little more ching. It only takes about 45 minutes or so, though the first time takes a bit longer because their doctor has to give you a partial physical. There's no nudity or most of the embarrassing parts of physicals. And look, a free physical!  I have the APP on my phone and it has my schedules appointments and such on the APP. When I got to the car in the parking lot I looked at the APP and the $50 for today was already on there, meaning, it available for me immediately.
The cards we get don't have our names on them

While I was headed to donate plasma I saw a dude sleeping, in the grass, next to a stop sign. He appeared to be homeless. I took a photo because I thought it was ironic that he took the stop sign. literally, and just stopped. On the way home from BioLife I saw him at another stop sign with a sign reading "homeless, any help is appreciated." I did not have any cash on me (just credit on my MasterCard) but I did have an unopened bottle of water that I took with me, in case I was not hydrated enough to donate plasma, so I gave him that bottle of water. He thanked me and I saw him open the bottle immediately and took a long drink. I am not going to post the photo I took because it wasn't as humorous when I knew that he was, in fact, homeless. Even if it was all bogus, helping someone else who asks for help is never a bad thing.

Looks expensive! I hope my insurance covers 100%
I have another doctor's appointment for my severed Achilles tendon on Friday at M.O.I. (Midwest Orthopedic Institute) to find out what the other people could not figure out. Surgery or no surgery? I certainly don't know how a severed tendon can just grow back together which is why I am headed to the third place for this. The Orthopedist said I should just go back to work yes, all he did, was sell me that giant boot so I stick-out like a sore ankle wherever I go. I did call them and got over there to pick up the imaging disk of my Achilles to take to M.O.I.. I am still not cleared to go back to work until after we find out what he will/can/cannot do.

Okay, I am going to try to post this one and see if it works. If it does not appear please let me know though, if that happens, you probably already read it telepathically and I am very impressed. Thank you very much for stopping by either telepathically or world wide webethy. TTTT...MITM (out)!

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