Friday, July 31, 2015

Just Plain Cuckoo

Ch Cha and I have received some good news off-and-on during the first two legs of our Magical Medical Tour this Winter and Spring but yesterday we received some really great news. Cha Cha's Crohn's Disease is in complete remission. We were told, back when we were in our late teens - early twenties when she was first diagnosed - that she would always have this disease. Good thing that the medical world doesn't stop there because that rule has changed now. She will have to go back and get checked every now and again (they have to keep those medical bills coming now that we are caught-up) to make sure it doesn't spread somewhere else in her intestines but this was great news.  

The Knickerbocker hotel in Chicago (where we stayed Wednesday night) is still old school with no 13th floor.  Just in case you are superstitious this way don't stay on the 14th floor because, even though called the 14th floor it is,  technically, still the 13th floor. We were on the 12th and it was haunted.

I really lived on the edge of disaster yesterday while waiting in that big room where you sit when somebody is seeing a doctor and you are not invited in. I felt like Jesus' parents right before they had Jesus. I cannot recall what that room is called in a hospital or doctor's office where I was waiting but I was waiting there and I noticed that I had the ear bud with the "L" on it in my right ear and the one with the "R" was in my left ear. I am a rebel so I just left them that way. It was kind of fun listening to the music backwards.

I wrote a few notes in between winks last night and some I know what they mean and some I am not 100% sure. Here is one... "this C-PAP isn't solving anything other than for the doctors and the companies that prescribe and sell the equipment can have fatter pocketbooks and larger pools in their backyards" (I know what that one means). The only thing the C-PAP has solved for me is that I don't snore when I am wearing it. That was never really much of a concern of mine since I sleep right through my snoring. I do not see me wearing that dumb mask on the plane headed for London. People will be saying, "I think that guy is Chuck Yeager." Yeah, thanks but Chuck Yeager is 92.

Why are there so many food-related words associated with losing one's mind? Being a member of that demographic I am kind of offended because I don't want to think about the problems with my brain and get hungry. There are: bananas, crackers, nuts, half-baked, bat shit, nutty as a fruitcake, out to lunch, cuckoo for coco-puffs, fruity, nut case... No wonder I have such a hard (boiled) time losing weight.
I don't like when people have acronyms for everything. Two people that do this that immediately come to mind are Gary Busey and George Takai. If you can't remember something write it down or record it. I know I use acronyms sometimes like: laser or NATO but those have evolved into words. I guess some of the idiotic ones that these nutty characters come-up with could evolve too but I hope not.

I have noticed that, over the last month or so, I have really become much more docile. I catch myself just staring at things for, what seems like, hours. Sometimes I am thinking about what I am watching and sometimes I am just a lookie-loo. So, if you are with me and I am just sitting there and not saying anything don't worry; "it isn't you it's me."  I also realized last night that it is the end of the month because my Mattstruation crabbiness was really at a peak. The nice thing about it these days is that you may not notice because I still sit there like a bump on a pecan log and the crabbiness is just in my mind. I am much more reserved than I was. Perhaps it is partly aging? I began noticing this new phenomenon at Fabio's graduation party. I think I sat like a bump on a log though I don't remember much from that day - it was still fairly early in my fruitcake baking. I probably seemed rude though I think most people there knew what was going-on with me.

I hope you have a great day. I already have the sprinkler running in the front yard because the grass is turning a bit yellowish-brown from the heat and the flowers are definitely thirsty. I was going to mow today but I don't think I will because I have heard that when it is very hot and sunny it is good for the grass to be a bit longer so it provides shade for itself. That was probably said by a guy who didn't want to mow the lawn one time and that spread like wild-fire (not an intended dry grass reference but, I will take it). Thank you for stopping by. Stay cool - like you could stay any other way! TTTT with my newly professionally cleaned teeth...MITM (out) TA!

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