Monday, July 27, 2015

I Blogged - IRREGARDLESSLY (not a word)!

 Your behavior astonishes me Mike Brady 
I saw a show on CNN Saturday night (yes, I watch more than sports and junk) about 1970's television. The show, fittingly enough, was called The Seventies. It was kind of like a mini-series about the 70's. They talked Roots. I remember watching that show (mini-series we would call it today) on television; it was a big deal back when it was first on. Something that they discussed (I think it was said by LeVar Burton) was that many of the slave-owners were played by former television fathers. I never even put that together as a fourteen-year-old boy. The slave owners were: Robert Reed (The Brady Bunch), Chuck Connors (The Rifleman), Ed Asner (father-figure on The Mary Tyler Moore Show and Rhoda), Lorne Greene (Bonanza)... That was a pretty smart idea. That was a great way to get people to watch the show and a good idea for these actors to show that they were more than the characters they were best-known for.

I am trying to change my personality. "Change" may not be the correct word; I am going to tweek my personality. I know we all tweek things about ourselves either consciously or subconsciously pretty regularly in an attempt to become better people. Unless your name rhymes with Bonald Dump and you are pretending to run for President of the United States of America then every day is topsy-turvy day for you in this area. Maybe that is what we call "growth" as a person or a human-being - tweeking ourselves for the better? That is how our species evolves. There are many reasons to change ourselves for the better I suppose. What if you are perfect and you don't know that you're perfect and you change yourself in hopes to be better and you are no longer perfect? Maybe that is what that Bump fella is worried about - he thinks he is already perfect. I can assure you that I am near the opposite spectrum of perfect so I will try to keep evolving in hopes that not being perfect isn't clouding my judgement on which way to head.

I have lost about 6 pounds in the last four day just by watching what I have been eating. The bad thing about eating healthier and eating less is that there is less junk in your body to absorb and soak-up all the liquids (water in my case) that you are still drinking. I have had to pee a lot over the past week. Yes, I know that is the problem. Maybe, if this keeps up, I can write a book about all the great bathrooms of Europe. I will have to work on a clever title but it will have to have something to do with "the loo." Do you know why, supposedly, the English began calling the toilet the loo? I hear tell that because in early England the toilet was always located in room #100 in buildings and the 100 became loo. Who knows if that is true but I like the same, regardless. I almost wrote "irregardless" but, since that means the same thing as "regardless" why do we  even have that word? That made me curious (killing the Matt) so I looked-up the meaning to the word "irregardless" and it means "regardless." Wouldn't irregardless mean "without without regard" if regardless meant "without regard?" Instead of teaching people to speak properly maybe it s just easier to add words so we can sell new dictionaries every year to the same people IRREGARDLESS of whether they are necessary words or not.
 This almost looks like the very lady in today's blog 
Yesterday Cha Cha took me to breakfast. She buys her sister breakfast almost every Sunday. She always invites me but, many times, I opt-out because I think they want to do sister, lady-talk. While we were sitting a lady in a van hit a car outside while trying to park twice - I took down the vehicle information and her description, professional habit. She sat with a bunch of people at a table near us and I listened to them talk (professional and nosy habit) about what a great job of parking she did. The perp said "yeah, and I didn't  hit the car behind me." She hit it twice! We watched her back-up and go forward about five times and the car behind her physically moved two of the five times. Maybe it was my telekinesis moving the car - I willed it to happen. As we left the restaurant I looked at the front of the car she had and there were no marks of any kind. She apparently hit the front license plate so I threw the information away in the city trash can rather than putting it under the windshield of the car as I had originally planned to do.

While I was continuing to be nosy, I also heard about how Cha Cha's second cousins are looking to buy a golf course that they just moved next to from the talk at table of old-timers next to our table. I really need to open my own private investigation firm in town. I am thinking about calling it Townshend & Associates or maybe Nosy Detective Agency. I am nosy and tenacious in investigations, I shoot well, I have a couple of cars that blend well (the Fiat is not one of the two), I know people (meaning "I got a guy/gal"), I rarely sleep... I am old so if I get shot most of my good years are gone anyway.
 Unintentional vacation tie-in today! 

I finally figured-out what has been going on with my mind /seizures / passing-out/ memory loss... I have often cracked myself up but, now I know, that I was LITERALLY cracking myself up!

Well, I have an action-packed day today so I had better wrap-up. I am going to do some painting (the work kind, not the artistic, talented kind). I have to paint around the front door, the door we had added to the back of the garage and the French doors we had put into the Tiki Room. Then I have to go up to the Rockford area and see how they want to try rip me off with more medical equipment, I am prepared to go there and come home with nothing rather than be ripped-off. Last night I woke-up at 01:00 and then I took a sleeping pull and that only got me to 05:00. If a damn prescribed sleeping pill won;t let me sleep properly what is a bunch of moist air up my nose with a rubber hose going to do? NOTHING. If it is inexpensive enough I will try it. If not, I will continue to sleep like DaVinci did! He only lived to be 67 - that is fine with me. Thanks for slowing down for a few minutes; I thank you deeply. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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