Monday, July 20, 2015

Just Suck Like Everybody Else - What's the Point?

Coulda just sucked like many I have worked with 

It's Monday - sorry. I slept pretty well last night because I took a sleeping pill (following doctors' orders as I do 73% of the time). As when I have been sleeping I dreamt (though Spell-Check doesn't recognize "dreamt" as a word). Maybe Spell-Check knows that I mainly have nightmares and wants me to be more forthright. My nightmares last night were work-related. I think that is because my work (more specifically the parent company - The State of Illinois) is screwing me on my medical benefits that I have paid in since the beginning of my newest career. Come to think of it I have worked in the state of Illinois since the day that I began working back in the 1970's. Now I work FOR the state for the last six or seven years. Over ten years if you count my part-time work there too. I know the state is supposedly financial broken and the interest they made off of all my money (I imagine they used money markets and stocks and bonds and various other investments) should be enough to help. Instead, they pay people who work for the state their weekly pay (who they will screw out of their benefits later) to find ways to stone-wall me from getting my earned benefits. My latest battle (today) is with State Universities Retirement Systems of Illinois (SURS). Maybe if it were called MADAMS or MA'AMS is it would work properly.

The first barricade they place in my road (over a month ago) was to say that my doctors did not go back far enough on the dates of all of my doctor visits so I had to contact all of the doctors to have them send everything they have on my looniness AGAIN! Apparently that was fixed and now I get a letter from SURS that states that these benefit are based on age; therefor, under tha ACT governing the system, it is necessary that we verify the age of each participant who may qualify for benefits... We have reviewed your record and cannot find verification of your birth date..." Seriously? You have been money out of my checks for my retirement twice a month since I started and you have no idea if I am a legal citizen of age to work for the state of Illinois? Jeez, I wonder why Illinois is financially broke as it is crying. SO, today I will walk to the post office and mail a copy of my birth certificate an agency who has been taking my money and doing blog knows what with. I will use the pre-paid envelope tehy provided that came out of the money they have been taking from me that they cannot use to fund my benefits. Jeez, I wonder why I am sad and depressed most of the time!

I like the blog better for talking about things like the previous two paragraphs because I usually edit the blog before it is presented to anyone else. Often times I am too passionate when I speak and things escape past my lips before I can perform the editing process and it is too late. Maybe that is why people rarely hate deaf people - they have to think before they sign things.

I just turned on the Jim Croce station on Pandora and the first song came on was You Don't Mess Around with Matt Jim. Irony? Fate? Coincidence? Foreshadowing?

This past weekend I was cheered-up as Splenda and Andy (her dude) came up to this part of the state that is out to get me for a wedding of one of her high school friends. Even though we didn't see them too much, because of the wedding, it always does my heart good to see Splenda. I was really tired most of the weekend (because I am slowly losing my charge and I my dance-card was pretty full) but we went to lunch with them yesterday (even Fabio went) which was really nice. It is pretty rare that we can get all four of us together with works and schools and miles... It makes me smile just to know we don't hate each other yet. I also talked to my mom and dad yesterday so, I guess, other than my brother who lives in Hawaii, I talked to a great deal of my family. He has Hawaii - he is doing just fine!

It was also nice spending the weekend with some good friends. Friends and family are what it is supposed to be about I think. There are so many obstacles that get in the way of that but, maybe why that is why those times are so nice. They say that we appreciate the things more that we have to work for.

If I ever want to be famous - just before I die I am going to find a celebrity who is out of town and drown in their pool, I know it is very sad that Demi Moore's assistant had a party at her house while she was out of the country and a guy, who didn't know how to swim, drowned in her pool but why is that news? I know the answer is because celebrity reporters are whores and just mentioning a celebrity (even if they have nothing at all to do with the story) makes it news to some idiots and bloggers. We are so sensationalistically driven and we have the 24-hour news and entertainment cycle and billions of computers to fill with gossip.

I had better get some of my errands and chores done before that tired feeling starts to fog over me as it does. I opened up the fire-proof safe thingy to get out my birth certificate and I am going to send them: a copy of my United States of America Passport, my Department of State Certification of Birth, my Certificate of Citizenship and my Report of Child Born Abroad of American Parents. Hey, I was 2'11" and weighed 32 pounds when I was born. I was the Shaquille O'Neal of the baby part of the Army hospital!

Thanks for letting me get a few things off of my chest and onto my blog. I feel a little better after venting - if you're required to do community service or you get credit for doing that sort of thing I would say you can count this. If you need me to sign-off on it I will be happy to do that. I hope you have a great day - you deserve it! TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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