Monday, July 6, 2015

We're Broke I Tell Ya, Broke!

I am really disoriented this morning. I am hoping and believe that it is because I got my medicines straightened-out which allowed my sleeping pill to work properly last night and I am just not fully awake. I have not had any big seizures in quite awhile but that may also be because my medications not being straightened-out. I was taking 30% too much seizure medicine each day. So, as of yesterday, I am taking the prescribed amount. When I thought I was taking a sleeping pill (on occasion) I was taking a different seizure bill. Now all of my bottles have black Sharpie on them saying exactly what they are for. Why do they have to use stupid names for the pills. I guess the names are fine but why don't they put (in plain laypersons language) what the medicines are for? You hear a lot about elderly people (that includes me apparently) getting their medicines mixed-up. So, maybe my meds will work properly now and I will be taking the correct ones for the correct symptoms. I feel sort of like an idiot but I thought I would share to say how easy this can occur - even with someone who is still, in tree-ring age, fairly MIDDLE-aged. I have a feeling that I have also been doing too much with this recent graduation party deal. I sort of feel like I am coming down with a cold. I wonder if I can think of anything else to lump in here?! Is there anyone who wants to get together and play some poker - we can use our meds as poker chips - might be a very interesting weekly game.

Did you hear about what is going on in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas? It sounds like it is still the old west there with: drug smuggling, court bribery, government pay-offs, health care fraud, voter fraud (stealing and buying). I think I'd like to go there for vacation, They call it the Compadre System (the old "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" way of doing things). The FBI is trying to get it straightened out and it sounds like they have put the right man in charge of the task force. His name is Rock Stone (FBI supervisory special  agent) - yes, that is him real name. I think he is the great, great, great grand nephew of Mr. Slate from The Flintstones. He was college roommates with Dash Riprock. I never knew the hierarchy of the gravel pit. I know Joe Rockhead was Fred's boss at one time but was he under Mr. Slate (Slate had the word "Mister" included which insinuates some kind of respect and power)? And, even though Fred worked at the same quarry for the entire show it had about four or five different names over the years; must have had different parent companies or owners between the stone age and the bronze age... How did I go from graft in Texas to the Flintstones?  Oh yeah, Rock Stone. I guess it is so mad there that an entire drug until was seizing drugs and then selling it back on the streets - they are all in prison now. Thank you Rock Stone! You don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger and you don't mess around with Rock Stone!
I was born in one of those years. Coincidence?

I have lots to do today as time is ticking by quickly. It is just a little over a month before we head to Europe. The last big thing I used to use to measure time was Fabio's graduation and party and, now that that is over, I guess the trip is next. How cool would it be if, while we were on our trip, I dropped dead in Heidelberg, Germany of natural causes? I was born there and I have never been back since I was like right months old and, as soon as I got back there, I died?  That would be eerie methinks, Maybe not as soon as I got there because I would like to look around a bit first. Please don't think that I am planning anything like that or that I wish that to happen but I always think of stuff like that. People often insinuate that I have the power to make natural disasters occur just by thinking about them when they say things like, "don't say that because what if that came true?" But, that has never seemed to have been the case. Maybe the odds increase the more times I say stuff like that but I thin they are still like 204,765,677,341,980,069.522 to 1. I will play the odds and say I will be just fine but, it would be a great story for future book reports for my ancestral brood. I have always had the same poor odds on winning the lottery.

With all the things I have to get done I really just want to take a nap. I just don't feel right today. Sorry, maybe bad timing thinking that right after that last paragraph. Maybe I will go have a banana and see if perhaps I am just a bit peckish.

I don't know if I will get anything on my list done today after the one I have been working on for about an hour (still working on it). I am going to try to write this without blaming anyone or pointing any fingers (though I know where the finger-pointing and blame should be aimed)... I am still working on getting all of the proper records sent to my work (though I have ample proof that the proper documentation had been sent when and where it was supposed to have been sent). Maybe if your employer's parent company is supposedly broke they will stall in whatever way they can as to not fork-out any money they say they do not have. Hypothetically!

Alright, I have to get some stuff done or today's list of todos or it will make tomorrow's list just that much longer (that's what she I said). Thank you for stopping by. I hope you have a great day. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

Oh yeah, Cubs - Cardinals begin tonight! GO BIRDS!!!!

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