Friday, July 3, 2015

I never had much use for the white ones!

Happy 3rd of July. On this date in 1775 George Washington took command of the Continental Army. In 1863 the final day of The Battle of Gettysburg (Pickett's Charge) took place. Everybody always forgets about things that happened the days before American Independence Day. What is so big about July and battles throughout America's history?

Last night Jill took me to see the Melissa McCarthy movie Spy. I had seen it before but she hadn't seen it. I laughed just as much as the first time I saw it. It is so cool to not be able to remember things sometimes. Many people complainabout that when they get older but I love it (most of the time). I cannot recommend this movie enough for some big laughs. I think it would appeal to just about everyone. I also think when I wrote about it the first time I saw it I said that I was not even much of a Melissa McCarthy fan but now I am. When I was in sixth grade in Plainfield, IL she and I may have run into each other on a school bus or something though she was in about first grade. I was probably her biggest comedic influence. I will await my tribute checks. Her husband was born in Carbondale, IL (where I went to college). I am starting to think they have been stalking me most of my life.

It sounds like we are going to see The Eagles on July 17th. Rumor has it that it is an Eagle's tribute band but I am hoping people just tell me that it is really The Eagles so I believe it and can tell people I saw The Eagles.

It looks a lot better with Catherine Bach over the flag
I just found out that it is National UFO Day. Many towns around here are having their fireworks shows tonight; coincidence? If I were from another planet and wanted to come and check-out what is going on here on Earth I think this would be a great time of year to do that with all of the fireworks displays and now National UFO Day. If people saw my ship they would just think it was part of the festivities. Maybe, if people from other planets came here, they would think we were attacking them and they would send Gort down to destroy us. Just remember the phrase "Klatuu Barada Nikto" and you should be fine.

It is a beautiful morning so far. I hope it stays exactly like this all day long.

I am so tired today. I took one of the sleeping pills last night that the doctor prescribed me and it didn't make a bit of difference. When I had taken them in the past they helped me get to sleep but did not help me stay asleep. Last night they didn't do either. Maybe I should wash them down with a Mason jar of white lightin'. Speaking of hillbillies (sort of) I read that the guy who owns the original General Lee (the Dodge Charger from the television show The Dukes of Hazzard) is going to paint over the rebel flag on the car. Quite honestly, I think a lot more is being made of this than should be. It is an embarrassing part of our national history but I feel we need to have things like this around to remind us where we do not want to go again. I agree that it is in very poor taste for one of our 50 states to have that flag flying above the state capital but we have freedom of speech and expression guaranteed by our U.S. Constitution. I have never had prejudice in me regarding: age, gender, race, religion, height, weight, shoe size... I decide whether or not to like people based on how they treat others and by their actions. I don't even have a favorite Crayon color. They all serve their purpose and work great in harmony. However, I never really had much use for the white one!

Okay, I probably have gone too far and, most likely, I have offended some today. If you are prejudice I suppose that is your Constitutional right but I cannot support racism or sexism or ageism or religious intolerance of heightism. I judge things/people/animals on actions and what is inside. I like everything/everyone until I am given a reason not to and then, I am hard-pressed to forgive. I know they say "don't judge lest ye be judged." I am okay with that and I know there are many people who don't care for much for me and that is their blog-given prerogative. Have a great day. I will probably blog on my present home's 239th birthday - Happy birthday Merica! TTTT?...MITM (out) TA!

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