Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Ich Defekt

After I got done blogging yesterday I worked for several hours on our medical bills. With Cha Cha being in the hospital for the end of last year and into this year and me being ill for most of this year we have racked-up some pretty good medical bills (hospitals, doctors, specialists, medicines, procedures...). After several thousands of dollars of checks written and on-line payments made I believe we are caught-up at this moment. One thing about medical bills in this backward country is that one never knows when they are caught-up. You think you are and then you get a bill from an ambulance company or an anesthesiologist or a radiologist or an imaging company... that were hired by the hospital or you primary physician and who the Hell knows if it is even for your hospital stay? I am half-tempted to stay in the Europe and just send for the kids. I have been practicing my German and I know the one phrase that I can easily teach Jill (Gretel I will begin calling her) is "Ich Defekt!" I bet you already figured-out that it mean "I defect!" I don't think that is necessary when you are not leaving a communist or imperialist... country but I think it will look good in the newspaper headlines. I am fairly certain that most of the countries in Europe treat their citizens like citizens rather than subjects. I just checked and 32 of the World's 33 developed nations have universal heath care. Can you guess which one does not? I will give you a hint - it begins with "United" and doesn't end with "Kingdom" or "Arab Emirates." So, Europe is pretty-much wide open for our new castle. We both speak English (well, American) so that will narrow the choices a bit. Of course, we will send for the kids (they both have passports) when we are settled. Don't worry, I will still be able to blog from wherever we settle.

What goes down's....Gotta come up!

I feel that things are starting to go better of late. I have had a few twinges that I thought might lead to worse problems here-and-there but they stopped. I guess the medication is doing what it is supposed to do or it could have just been indigestion. Or, maybe sleeping nights again, like we are raised and taught to do in America, has made a difference. I did almost pass-out the other day now that I think about it but it did not have anything related to my recent ailments. I was mowing the back yard and moving pretty briskly because the sky was quickly starting to cloud-up with a threat of rain (the rain did come right as I finished as you may have read in yesterday's blog). I walked into a tree branch and now I have a pretty good knot and red spot on the front of my melon. I know I have blogged before how mowing the backyard I often feel like Snow White being attacked by the trees. Out trees need some serious trimming so, I will have to do that soon. I will do that under the supervision of Cha Cha though because I have no idea what I am doing. She knows our her plants and trees. Maybe my affair with Mother Nature wasn't working the way she had hoped? I am a one woman man Mother Nature.

I got offered a job (sort of) today. I am still employed at the place where I have been for the past ten years or so in one capacity or another and I am not necessarily looking. I guess if something presents itself to you and you don't at least consider it you are kind of a moron, huh? It is something that I spent a great deal of my adult life doing so I would fall right back into it pretty seamlessly. After we get back for our vacation next month I will delve into it a bit more. I will have to weigh my current job with this possible new opportunity. This new thing would be working days like a regular human being too? I am at the point in my life that I do not have to jump one way or another - I can just choose what is best. I like having the options that come with age and experience. I suppose the decision will change if we do decide to defect because that would be a long commute every morning. I am not one who frets about growing old. It is all about recycling and we mortals are all but shadows and dust eventually.

A week from today Jill and I will be back at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago. It is for just a routine follow-up (though it is a procedure) for her. They are just going to make sure all of what they did for her is working properly I guess. I know we hear of stories about people going in for a routine procedure or appointment and have complications but I do not foresee that being a concern here. Anyway, what are you gonna say? "We have already paid you enough and things are going fine so we'll just roll the dice?" If it were for me I may say that but she is better than me and the world actually needs her here; it is a much better planet with her as a member. While she is getting her stuff done I will be able to blog. I should now that hospital like the back of my hand but my memory, as you know, isn't what it used to be.
Karma must be working for me today. The street cleaner just game through the cul-de-sac and we do not have a vehicle parked in the street today. The 4Runner is in the shop for a minor steering issue (minor steering issues usually turn into major issues I imagine)and it is usually parked out there. Karma and Mother Nature on my side? How could things get much better than that? Also, I get to watch the Cardinals one more time tonight because they are playing one of the hometown teams (White Sox). I watched the game last night and I was happy with the outcome. Hopefully, tonight will be similar - come on Karma!

Okay, I am just starting to ramble now. Thank you for coming by; you are the reason I do this. I hope you have a great day and night. I have quite a few people that I will be thinking about today that are having medical issues. Some of them I know and some I just know because they may be loved-ones of some of you that you have asked for prayers and good thoughts for. I am always especially sad when children are among the people having health issues. If you can think good thoughts and send prayers for 2 1/2 month old Baby Zoey that would be greatly appreciated. She is having a hole in her heart repaired today. When Splenda (Chloe) was a baby we had many problems with her being in-and-out of the hospital so I know that horror. Now she is 23-years-old and way smarter and nicer than me. She is one of my favorite people (not only because she is my daughter). I am sure the Chloe and Zoey rhyming names is not a coincidence and Zoey will do great. TTTT...MITH (out)TA!

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