Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Independence Day 'Merica!

I am so tried of whining about the same things every day so maybe this will be the last day (yeah right). I have been trying for over a week to get the records my insurance company is saying that they need to continue to pay me for the money I have paid into their stupid crap since about 1979. So, for 37 years I have been losing money (not by choice) for all of these supposed benefits I would receive if I had become injured or ill. So here I am, at the point where I need to recoup some of my thousands and thousands of dollars to try to stay alive or slightly coherent, and I am running into road-block after road-block. I sent paperwork to all of the doctors who have been treating me and I got a message back from Dreyer Medical (where my primary-care physician hangs-out) after almost a week saying that I now have to forward the info to the Disability Department. I sent it to them electronically - why can't they forward it to the appropriate department? I can see why people give-up the will to go on. I, however am tenacious and will now have to become Crabby Matty. Crabby Matty is not usually very popular but he does get results. I so much like and want to be nice but, from time-to-time, MATT SMASH!!!! Being Independence Day in U S of America today I will have to wait two days. That will not fair well for them as my rage and anger will build - I have nothing else to do but to plan my attack.

To start the theme of my Independence Day I Googled all of my medicines to see what I was taking. I have one of those doohickeys with the compartments that you put your meds in based on days and times but I wasn't sure I was doing it all correctly. So I wrote down what all my meds were on the bottles instead of their fancy names and what they are generic for. This is probably just another plan to keep us sick - call it something Greek or Sanskrit and then maybe we will take the wrong thing and get sicker so we have to go and see them again and they can charge us and our insurance companies will say we didn't need that. It has to be so much cheaper just to die. If I mysteriously die soon it will not be suicide unless it involves some huge company so my family can live off of my death for ever. Big companies like to settle for more than they should to avoid the bad press. No wonder these medical and pharmaceutical companies don't want The Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) to occur. Because affordable for us means lean money in their pockets.

I am still waiting for medical marijuana. Writing this today makes me realize why the medical community doesn't it - we could grow our own medicine. I have never smoked the stuff but I know plenty of places (living near a college campus) where I could get a started kit. There are one or two of you I would come to first though. I do not hold it against anyone who smokes pot, in fact, I think they are smarter than the rest of us in many ways.

Cha Cha and I have to run tot the store. Maybe something exciting will happen and I will have more to write about then we get back.

We're back (it is now 13;52 and I still do not have anything exciting to report other than we spent a lot of money. We packed the cart with groceries and I guessed the cost would be $211.00. The cost was $215 and some change so I would have done very well on The Price is Right.

I am finishing the blog while watching the HBO series (mini-series I suppose) John Adams. I remember watching it when it first aired on HBO. It is one of the most well-done series' that I have ever seen. Paul Giamatti is an amazing actor and great as Adams. He won the Golden Globe for nest actor for this role. Laura Linney also won Best Actress as Abigail Adams and Tom Wilkenson won for Best Supporting Actor as Benjamin Franklin. It also won for Best Mini-Series or Movie Made for Television. It also won many Emmys, Screen Actors Guild Awards... I cannot recommend this show highly enough. I am a history buff so maybe I am slightly prejudiced.  They are in Paris an awful lot so I am thinking a lot about Cha Cha and my forthcoming European trip. For Father's Day Fabio got be a sound bar for the television so now I enjoy everything on television all that much more.

I will not be watching the rockets' red glare tonight. I have never really cared for fireworks; even as a child. They seem stupid to me. Is that un-American? It seems like a huge waste of money. An incredible risk to safety. And, I think we are a bunch of morons for letting that become a night's entertainment; not to mention the cost cities and counties... incur rather than filling those potholes. I suppose I am an old poop when it comes to this tradition but, really, you know I am correct - this is a stupid tradition. Maybe it is really just a celebration of when man discovered to harness fire?  Rockets' red glare and bombs bursting in air were probably pretty horrifying in 1775 and 1776. Or today if you live in the Middle East.

I think I am going to take a nap, I am tired most of the time now. I do find, however, that I am not that tired while I am sleeping. Cha Cha says it is because of some of my medicines but I think my brain is just over-heating trying to remember things. I am still forgetting many things but it comes in very handy many times. Like when Jill and I went to see Spy the other night. It is fun laughing at the same things again for the first time. I am accepting of what is going on with me and am enjoying the ride; whatever happens was meant to happen I suppose.

Enjoy the rest of the 4th if you so choose. I am happy for our independence but don't really know why we have to rub everybody's face in it. I will not blog tomorrow - guaranteed. So, then, also enjoy the rest of your weekend. TTTMonday...MITM (out) - trying to shake my crabbiness. TA!

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