Saturday, August 1, 2015

Don't Just Say Cheese - Eat Cheese (and lots of Cotton Candy)

Happy August! Only eleven days until Cha Cha's birthday. Maybe I will do the countdown like the retailers do for us with Christmas. Make sure to get your Cha Cha birthday shopping done early this year! Can you believe that we are only a few months away from that time of year? Has anybody ever complained this early about the over-commercialization of Christmas? I think I just need to have something to complain about; that is what makes me happy, ironically.

Tonight we are going to a get-together with some of Jill's work friends and their spouses; it is a bring a dish-to-pass kind of thing. I am making ceviche. I started "cooking" the fish (snapper and shrimp) last evening. To "cook" the seafood for ceviche you just cut it into little cubes (I think I would just call them "sections" with the shrimp since cubes would be difficult unless they were very small cubes) and cover them in lime juice. It actually tuns the fish kind of an opaque color by the time it is done - if opaque is considered a color. I opened the fridge to give them another stir and the inside of the refrigerator smells amazing. I love the smell of fresh lime.

Yesterday I went to the scammer dentist and my buddy Greg sent me a message when I checked-in there on Facebook to "check to see if there are any lion heads on the wall." Too soon? I found it quite amusing (remember, I am a sick man) though that was a very sad story to me and millions of others. Humor is the way that I get-over things. That makes sense to combat it that way since joy is the opposite of sorrow. I have always found humor to be a great way to deal with and mask sadness and pain. BTW (by the way), there were no lion heads mounted anywhere in the office. They are probably at the dentist's homes or in their private offices. The nurses and hygienists sure are like car salesmen (a non-gender term these days) at the dentist aren't they? When I was a kid and, there probably was no such thing as dental insurance, I don't think they were pushing all of the stuff that they try to sell us these days. Maybe they were and I was just a kid so I didn't pay attention. And, who gives you: dental floss, toothpaste, mouth wash and a new tooth brush as a parting gift? I got a bag with all of this stuff in it. Was it a gift or a not so subtle hint? I am here for you to do that work - what's the deal with sending me a do-it-yourself at-home kit? If Hermey (me, in this case) wanted to be a dentist he wouldn't be here in the first place would he/I? Give me a candy bar and some gum or cotton candy to get the repeat business. You work so skillfully on the up-selling during the entire appointment but you drop the ball at repeat business at the end. Always be closing (except the mouth where you always say, "open, open...)"! I need to start a dentist profit-building clinic. Our motto might be: "if you want to be able to hunt and kill beloved, semi-domesticated zoo animals and pretend you didn't know they were national treasures - this is the clinic for you." When Cha Cha and I discussed this we talked about the dentist when were kids. There were no hygienists. The dentist did it all HIMself (cleaning and everything). The MEN dentists probably decided (since this was the 60's and the 70's) that "women were put on this Earth to do the cleaning so why don't I hire a few super-hot, young broads to come in here and clean-up these teeth so I can get some more golf in?" Not to rock the apple cart but, I notice that our dentist bills are paid much more easily and completely by insurance policies than our medical bills. And, how come all the people who work at the dentist office have perfectly-straight, blindlingly white teeth? Is that a perk for working there, you get a great dental plan? And, why are there rarely any dude assistants? Is it because young guys won't go to the dentist if it doesn't look like a singles-bar? Women will go because they are smart but. for the guys. they need bait. I hate dentists now that I blog about it!
 In for drone shooting or penguin hunting at Santa's? 
I have a problem with the Goodyear Blimp; I blame Goodyear for the influx of drones. I have a real problem with drones. They just drone on and on and on. I understand their usefulness for military operations and the handiness for covering golf events or whatever drones are used for but I have a fenced-in backyard so I can sunbathe naked and I don't think anybody else should be subject to that kind of horror. Jill says that I should use that weapon against them and maybe looking at my white cottage cheese ass would stop the drones from at least these parts anyway. My words, not hers. Let's unite - "white cottage cheese butts against drones!" Is that racist? Any color butts would be welcome. Drones are being called the third revolution in military warfare by Aljazeera America. The first two revolutions being: gunpowder and nuclear weapons. I like Alfazeera America because it reports the news without a liberal or conservative slant. It reports news as I was taught back in the day when journalism was journalism - report the facts and let the reader form their own opinion. That's why I blog - so I can have an editorial on everything I feel like talking about. Like minded people or people with open-minds will read it and whoever doesn't doesn't. I write the blog to clear my mind (easier than it used to be) and I am happy that it makes you smile once in awhile and see that someone thinks like you or that you cannot believe someone believes or thinks the things that I believe or think, Spice of life!

Okay, I have ranted enough today about nothing but everything all at the same time. I hope you have a great weekend. Someday soon Saturday may become my Monday again every week. Oh, vaguely speaking of my health... the C-PAP machine is not helping me sleep any better so, last night, I tried the C-PAP machine and one of the sleeping pills that the doctor has prescribed for me (I don't take them often because they are like giving a tiger or a gorilla an aspirin as a tranquilizer - THEY DON'T WORK for me! I thought, maybe with the combination of the sleep machine and the sleeping pill (Cha Cha's idea with full-disclosure) I could make it the whole night-through. NOPE. So, tonight I will try Cha Cha's suggestion of taking the pill when I wake-up in the MIDDLE of the night. I did try that before and it didn't work any better but that was before the machine was thrown into the mix. I am not confident that it will work but I will give it a shot. Speaking of shots maybe I should start drinking again to sleep better. Not really an option for me, really. I think I need to go back to trying what I was going to do years ago (for those of you who have been reading my warped writings that long). I was/am think about going all Da Vinci and sleeping in four-hour shifts again. It would be easy now but, when I go back to work, it may slow-down my productivity while on the job. Do you think I could call in on the radio and tell the dispatcher that I was going to be 10-7 for about four hours? I am not sure how well that would go over with the higher-ups; at least I would call it in. Once I got a 10-4 (after the 10-9 that would have surely followed) I would quickly turn off my radio and set the alarm.

I am really ending now before I get-going on another rant. Thanks for spending some time with me today. I will probably not blog tomorrow because Sunday is the day I think of what I will write for the next six days (yes, you know that is a lie). Have a great weekend and don't do anything you don't want to do or anything you want recorded by a drone. TTTMonday...TA (out)!

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