Monday, August 31, 2015

I See Why Everyone Wants a Castle Now

 See how much these colds have aged Jill and I? 
Man, this cold or flu or whatever it is is kicking our butts. I got it first so I am doing a bit better than Cha Cha right now. I think she is probably about a week or so behind me in the recovery phase. I probably feel terrible compared to normal but, compared to where I have come from recently, I feel pretty good. Everything is about perspective. I am sure I have written about it here but some people on our trip had to fly home early and some were hospitalized in Europe. We should have probably opted for that second one with the socialized medicine in almost every other country of the world. We are the ones that act all high-and-mighty and pretend to care about her people sometimes. I'd rather have died where I came from than come home. That would have been a pretty cool story. Maybe I could have even worked-out being buried at Frankenstein's Castle. 

Hey, that castle thing made me remember something I was gonna tell you about. While we were on a tour of one of the many,many castles we visited the person told us a story of how the modern-day military salute was "invented." I am sure there are many stories of how saluting began but this one makes sense to me, and I like it, so I will proclaim that this is the real story as to why soldiers salute one another... When medieval knights in Europe greeted one another they would raise the face shield on their armor to show they were friendly. In doing so, with their metal gloves on,  they would perform what resembles the modern-day salute. It makes sense to me so I deem it as fact!
Oops, wrong Graham Greene photo (this was a better role anyway)

Funny how things make us think of other things... I think I learned where the term "getting screwed" comes from as it is related to when something bad or unfortunate happens to us. I was watching The Green Mile for the 347th time the other night and while Arlen Bitterbuck (Graham Greene) was getting strapped in to "Old Sparky" (the electric chair) and the term "getting screwed" was mentioned when they are screwing the wires to the metal cap that helps conduct the electricity that cooks the brain. I must have heard that line so many times and never really HEARD it before. I am not sure if that is where the term "getting screwed" comes from but it sure makes sense to me so I will call it as fact. Somebody has to make those types of decisions, right? Might as well be me.

There was one part of traveling abroad that made me kind of disappointed in us as a country - there were more but this was the biggest. I suppose it is due to the proximity of their countries to other countries but most everyone knows at least four languages. They are so much more tolerant and patient than most of the people in our country seem to be. Maybe it is the nationalized medicine deal and knowing your stress will be taken-care of. We seem, for the most part, to be on our own and they seem to be working as a team. When did we become so entitled? Maybe it is natural for me to judge us harder than I do them because that is how I am with myself. I am my own worst critic and, as big of a jerk as I can be sometimes, you should know what is really going on in my head most of the time. If you knew you would think I am an angel compared to that a-hole. It does make me feel better that I am somewhat better at restraining my self these days. Maybe with age comes restraint or maybe I am just too tired to be as big of a jackass as I once was; it's a lot of work to be a sarcastic jerk all the time - you can't appreciate all the time and energy it takes. I am certain that many would say that I am still as big of a jerk as I always was. I dare you to say that to my face though! Just kidding, of course.

Today my good friend Delores "Ma" Meyer has double by-pass surgery. Please, whether you know her or not, send good thoughts her way. She is truly one of the very good people on this planet and we need her at full-strength to off-set the Matt Helsers of the world. I know she will do great but a little extra good juju never hurt anyone.

I am going to wrap-up now. I think I will start by cleaning the kitchen and then take the suitcases downstairs and put them away in the crawlspace finally. Cha Cha and I have been on shut-down all weekend long due to our post vacation illnesses. I have lots more on my mind but I am afraid that much of it will get me in trouble so I will wait and decide if I will include some of these snippets in subsequent blogs. Thank you for being here today and letting me rant and whine; you are the best therapist I could have ever dreamed of. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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