Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Back To Reality (at least as I know it now)

Jawas would be good video cameras too methinks 
It's difficult to blog when the person supposedly blogging has nothing on his/her mind. It's never stopped me before and I won't let it stop me now! Hmmmmmmm.....

While we were on holiday (I used to call this vacation too but holiday sounds so much classier to me for some reason) I noticed security video cameras everywhere. I realize the places we were visiting were thousands of years old and I am sure that people who are inclined to become noticed on a world-wide stage would probably target many of these places. While I looked at the cameras on tops of the buildings I thought to myself, "self, why don't they make security cameras look like ravens or blackbirds or gargoyles or something?" I imagine that it is a deterrent just seeing the cameras if you are a "sitting-on-the-fence" kind of vandal and just seeing the cameras would deter you. Maybe have buzzard and blackbird cams with bright, glowing eyes? Owls with glowing yellow eyes would be cool too and their heads could rotate and everything. By me publishing this blog this idea will be officially patented unless it already exists then, "good idea dude or dudette!"

I noticed that the birds (I really have birds on my brain today - yes, I see the birdbrain connection) eat more bird seed here at our bird restaurant more in the evening than they do in the morning. That has changed over the last few weeks. Perhaps they grab food as soon as they can more in the colder months and now, when berries and nuts and foliage and such are more plentiful, they don't have the urgency to eat the seed. At night, when they are uncertain of what the next day will bring weather-wise, they fill-up just in case? Or, maybe they just aren't hungry.
Before we left for holiday I lost about twelve pounds by merely watching what I was eating. While we were on the trip most of the food was included in our package so we ate whatever we wanted; that's what vacations are for, right? And, when visiting other countries you are almost required by international law to try their local cuisines and beverages. Can you go to Germany without having a beer and a brat or six (sechs)? England without fish and chips? Well, anyway, I found those twelve pounds (not sure what that is in metric) that I had lost plus two more. Part of the problem is that the habits that I had gained in Europe stayed with me upon my return to the U.S. and A.. I need to watch what I am eating again. Damn you, common sense! Apparently all of the walking every day didn't off-set the calories coming in. I have always hated math, though I do understand its benefits.

Ironically, or cosmically, just as I wrote that last paragraph, Cha Cha sent me a link to an article that says "MIDlife obesity may spur risk for early Alzheimer's." Well, that pretty much sums-up my life over the past couple of years. Here's the link that she sent me in case you're interested. I have proven that I can lose weight and gain weight and I think it is losing time again. How do we know if we are at midlife though? I know we can take the averages and all but that comes back to me being bad at math. In 13 days I will turn 52 so it is probably safe to say that my life is over half-way (Matt I The Middle) done so am I waisting wasting my time losing weight now? As we all know, my mind is already showing lots of signs of exhaustion so should I even bother? I don't want to buy bigger clothes though so maybe I will watch what I am eating just out of cheapness though healthy food is usually more expensive than crappy food. What a quandary I am in or maybe a quagmire or any other Q-word I can think of.

Thank you for stopping-by today. The last I heard that Delores "Ma" Meyer came through her double by-pass surgery with flying colors so, thank you for your positive thoughts. I hope you have a great day though it is supposed to be pretty hot today and tomorrow in the MIDDLEwest. Whatever. That's why someone smart invented electricity and fans and air-conditioning I suppose; they must not have been obese in their MIDDLE-years. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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