Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Me and Ringo Down By the School yard

This could be yours and written-off to charity!
What is the deal with the hairs hanging out of our noses and ears? Do our heads shrink that much as we age? My neurologist told me that my brain has shrunk so, maybe that has something to do with the ear and nose hairs? I suppose they need trimming just like our heads and other external areas of our bodies. I have never one time trimmed my arm or leg hairs and they don't become forests. What's up with the nose and ears - maybe it is because they need to keep dirt out and we cannot clean them like we can the rest of our body in the shower. Maybe, if I picked my nose once in awhile, the nose hairs wouldn't have to be yanked when the begin to tickle my chin.

I read yesterday that Ringo Starr and I have something in common though, flatteringly, he is copying me. He is donating his three-piece drum kit that he played when he was a member of a group called The Beatles. Though the kit I donated was much larger (see yesterday's blog) he is upping the ante to over-compensate by including a guitar used by John Lennon and one of the four original pressings of The White Album which was locked in a vault for the bast 35 years. The proceeds that come from the sell of Ringo's items will go to benefit the charity that he and wife Barbara Bach founded, the Lotus Foundation, which funds and supports a number of social welfare causes. Okay, Ringo you BEAT me again though I donated my kit first. I have always loved Ringo and Barbara - they seem like very great people.
 Above one of the thresholds inside of Shakespeare and Company  

Try as I might I cannot seem to stay away from Facebook; I believe I am addicted to social media. Are there businesses that provide social media interventions? Am I too late to start this business craze? I smell reality show!!!!!

I need to go back to old-fashioned reading. It was suggested by Cha Cha that maybe reading more books would change the way my brain is wired back to when it worked properly. Maybe it has something to do with her working for a company that owns four of the top 17 publishers in the world. Coincidentally, I bought a couple of books when we were in Paris and I have to decide which one I will start reading today. I bought them at Shakespeare and Company - the very little book store in Paris that I had always wanted to get to but never had. Since we were here I bought "Paris Without End" a story called "the true story of Hemingway's first wife." I bought this book because I am a Hemingway fan and he spent a lot of time here. Plus who wouldn't like a book that is"a bittersweet modern love story that reads as a novel?" How come there are never any bad reviews on the backs of novels? I also bought "Napoleon: The Path to Power 1769-1799." I think  I am gonna start with "Paris Without End."

My short story, finally entitled "Fly's Time," was submitted for the short story contest last night. I still have four more days if I want to finish a second story for the contest but, if I do that, I would be embarrassed if my stories tied for first place. But, more stories would increase my chance of winning. YES, I am extremely competitive.

I have a neurologist appointment tomorrow morning. I have no idea what to expect. I am still having "spells" that they would probably call seizures but we'll see what they say. Since I last saw him I have had 56 spells. I write down the times and lengths to see if I can detect a pattern but I do not. It's almost as though I should keep an in-depth journal of what I am doing, what I eat, and EVERYTHING else to find if there is something that is triggering these issues. I also have depression and confusion and a lot of memory lapses though many of those I attribute to just aging; maybe beginning to read will rewire my brain. Supposedly, we can rewire our brains by changing our habits so I am going to try that.
 Maybe I should dig-out my Howdy Doody ventriloquist dummy?

The other day I was thinking to myself that this will be the first year since I can remember that I will not go to a Major League Baseball game (I have not been to a minor league one either this season though I did hang-out with Ozzie Cougar of the Kane County Cougars last weekend). I never told anyone about that thought - it was just in my chasm. Two days later Fabio gives me two tickets tickets to Saturday's Cubs- Cardinals game that he bought me for my unbirthday. I, of course, asked if he had Saturday off because I am still not supposed to drive (maybe that will change tomorrow?) and I have two tickets and a man and his son (both Cardinals' fans) together at a ballgame IS Americana. He told me he has to work Saturday. He is trying to trade with some people at work because he has worked for a couple of them a few times and they "owe him." He will know tomorrow afternoon if he can go. Sure, people love to give-up their free Saturdays to work. I reap what I sow I guess. So, if he cannot get the day off I will hire a limo for the day and have the driver go with me to the game or, I will get a ride to the train station and go to the game via train and elevated train alone and then take a homeless person to the game and buy him/her (taking a woman would seem creepy though I think) hot dogs and nachos and peanuts and sodas and Cracker Jacks all day. Or, I could just walk around yelling, "who needs one, who needs one?" The answer, now that I think about it would be "me, I need one."

I have a lawn to mow and pea gravel to spread and a door to paint bills to pay and dinner to make... so I had better get-on gettin' on. Thank you for stopping by; I hope you have a great day. TTTT (depending on the doctor maybe)... MITM (out) TA!

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