Thursday, September 24, 2015

Am I Some Kind of a Do-Gooder All of a Sudden?

I had no idea it was Thursday already. It has been a busy week of roller coaster rides; good thing that I love roller coasters. Yesterday, while I mowed the lawn I thought to myself, "self, there sure are a lot of apples on that tree." So, when I was done mowing I played Matty Appleseed and filled a bucket full of apples. I left several for the birds but, if they wanted them I am guessing the tree would not have been filled with apples. I figured I would make a bunch of apple sauce. Well, I cleaned many of the unblemished ones for apple eating and then decided to make two apple pies (scratch-crust not some of those pre-made deals....I need my lard, dag blammit!). After all of that I still had enough apples left to make  a lot of applesauce too. The worst part, as always with this sort of thing, was the clean-up. And then, after the clean-up I had to make dinner and then clean that mess up too.

This morning I went over to see the neurologist to have him update my release since my work/department cannot accommodate my restrictions. The nurse just added an addendum to the bottom starting that if the cannot accommodate the restrictions that I should just follow the previous note. That note said I could not work nights. The good thing is that they will fax it to my work insurance so I will continue to get paid.

This is why I decided it to leave it to the people who are ON THE JOB!
After the appointment I headed over to get some fuel before going to pick-up the few things we needed at the store. While I was out pumping the fuel a voice came over the speakers saying, "Pump three I will see you after you're done fueling." Of course, I immediately looked up and saw that I was pump six. Then I looked around to see who was at pump three thinking someone wanted an autograph or to take a selfie with me or something. The guy at pump three was a tall, blond doofy-looking fella. His car was smashed in the front right quarter-panel. I looked at the gas station and saw an old lady behind the counter looking at him and his car with a pair of binoculars. When I got done filling, pre-paid at the pump as I always do, I drove over toward pump three. As I pulled behind him he put the nozzle up, jumped in his car and pulled quickly away. Of course, the first thing I did was look at the plate number. The rear license plate was covered by something dark. It appeared to have been a black hand towel or washcloth. He tore out of the station and I followed him for a bit but he began recklessly swerving between cars at a high rate of speed, obviously knowing I was following him. I broke-off my pursuit and just called in what I had seen. They will probably not catch him but I did more than any plain citizen john citizen would have done. Am I nosy or just observant? Probably a bit of both but I have worked at a job for several years where nosiness and observational skills are required. Can you believe they cannot find for something for me to do there? Maybe, instead of starting a detective agency, I could consider masked, caped, crusader. While I was following this guy I just figured twenty bucks or so of gas isn't worth someone getting hurt or worse. I must admit that I enjoyed the adrenaline that came from pursuing a "perp" though I am not sure he is was a perp though there was a lot of evidence pointing to him being up to no-good. I cannot believe I erred on the side of caution; I usually err on the side of risk and carelessness. I will be second-guessing that decision for a few days probably. Maybe I am finally maturing?

Tonight I will be in Chicago and maybe I can find an adrenaline fix there. It would not be too difficult to find one if I need one. I bet there are NO fill now and pay later pumps in Chicago. I thought there were none anywhere anymore.

I was working on paying bills before I went over the the doctor and I still have more of those to do. Most of the bills that I pay are medical-related in one way or another. I keep getting totally caught-up and more come it. Jill and I have racked-up some doozies over the past couple of years. Are we the only so-called first-world country that still profits from its citizens being ill? And, to make it even more profitable they provide us all of the great preservative and additives to the food that continue the cycle. Yes, some of you are smarter and eat the right things but we are set-up to fail and keep others rich. All of the Presidential debates have really shown me how much they don't care about you or I. Speaking of that, I got a call to see if I want to help the local Bernie Sanders campaign. They are "canvassing" Saturday and I think I may go help. I hope canvassing just means hanging stuff on peoples' doors because I am really not up on the positions as much as I should be to represent any candidates. I am just a foot soldier - part of the infantry. I do know that all of the Republicans that I have seen and heard are not the solution. I think expatriate may be the true answer.

I have to get some things done so I need to call it a wrap. Thank you so much for letting me blab; I honestly think it and you are a couple of the things keeping me from going completely crackers. Have a great rest of your day. I will blog you again tomorrow and I will probably Facebook my progress around town tonight so I can remember to write what I did tonight tomorrow. TTTT...MITM(out) TA!

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