Monday, September 7, 2015

It Feels Like Sunday!

Happy Labor Day! I feel guilty saying that to any woman who has ever given birth to a child. I think I say and think that every year. Cha Cha gave birth to a baby (Splenda) that weighed over ten pounds so I will not wish her a happy Labor Day; that's a small bowling ball. Yes, I realize Labor Day is actually a celebration of the economic accomplishments the U.S. and A over the years but I think giving birth is more impressive.

That makes me think about all of the migration/immigration going on into Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Sweden the UK and Austria. Austria has taken more than 12,000 refugees that have crossed the Mediterranean Sea from: Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan... and they say they are almost at the breaking point. The U.S. has, historically, been one of the safe-havens for refugees and we tout ourselves this way but we now seem to not even want to take starving children for countries right next to us. If  God is the being that this country was founded-on (One Nation Under God... with liberty and justice FOR ALL) why are we not helping with this? Many of our political wannabes are against being the country we say we are (even discussing building Berlin-like walls on out Canadian and Mexican borders). The Pope is urging every Catholic family in Europe to shelter a family - what a great leader he is!

While I am on this train of thought - I heard that the U.S. has been sending Cuba $4.085 per year to rent the land/water that houses the Unites States naval base (GTMO). Gitmo has occupied Guantanamo Bay since 1903 (the rent was actually only $2000, made in U.S. gold, until 1934). Cuba has only cashed one of the checks since 1934 (in 1959) by accident in the confusion of the early days of the revolution.

I had a dream last night about OJ Simpson running through airports. I have no idea what that was about. Maybe I was dreaming about all of our recent travels and thinking about the travels of the families headed for refuge? Maybe that triggered my memories of him running through airports to get hos Hertz rent-a-car.He sure did mess his life-up didn't he? I was going to live like a king selling his rookie cards - THANKS A LOT JUICE!

As I lay (or lied) in bed very early this morning I wondered what the deal with blankets is. I was not cold, in fact I was a bit warm, but I felt I needed a blanket covering me. I cannot believe it was a modesty issue as I am not that modest for the most part. I don't suppose it was a body-issue though I am not overly-fond of my body at the moment. Is it a security deal? Hiding from monsters? Cha Cha thinks it is because our bodies cool when we sleep and it is just a preparatory move to be ready for the temperature drop. She even mentioned that cowboys (at least in films and on television) used blankets lying in the desert of Arizona to bed down. Maybe it is just habit and a false security thing like invisible borders?

I hope you have a great Labor Day (some call it Monday). Thank you for stopping in. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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