Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I Didn't Really Blog I blogged

Try as I might, sleeping has never been one of my strong suits
Well, the human resources department at my work called me yesterday and I was told that they talked to my department and the department is "unable to accommodate my medical restrictions." My neurologist made it pretty clear that he would never clear me to work overnights again so, I am back on medical disability but, at least I can drive again. Maybe it is time to start that detective agency, huh? I have several connections that may come in handy in that field. I'm disappointed that I cannot go back to work but I am also happy that I will be able to go to Chicago with Cha Cha again later this week and that I will be able to go visit Splenda later this year in Carbondale. I have a lot of decisions to make over the next few weeks. Professional gambler (poker specifically) may be a fun thing - I love gambling. Male model? Fat, ugly people buy stuff too you know.

I was sad to hear that Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra yesterday; he was one of the great entertainers in baseball history. He was a pretty good ball player slid home yesterday but he was much better at coming up with ridiculous phrases that make sense by not making sense. Some of his most popular ones were: "If you see a fork in the road, take it." Someone once asked him what time it was and he asked, "you mean now?" He said, "it gets late pretty early around here." "It's deja vu all over again." "I didn't really say everything I said."  "If you don't know where you're going, you might not get there." He had hundreds of them. He always made me smile.
Our house will look like a green-browed Eugene Levy soon
I got my Cha Cha's project done yesterday and I think it turned-out wonderful. The customer who ordered the project and job was Cha Cha and she was very happy with the final product too. We have an arbor to the right of the garage that is covered in vines. I looks kind of like an entrance to The Secret Garden (it leads to our backyard.While we in Europe Jill noticed that people had the vines of ivy growing atop of their garage doors and above and around their front entrance doors; she really liked it. So, now we have the beginning of a new home for ivy vines over the garage door and, once the ivy takes-off, I am guessing that I will doing one over the front door too eventually? I cannot always wrap my mind around her visions but I have learned not to question her ideas as they nearly always end-up remarkable and beautiful. This one was easier for me as I did see examples all over Europe. Soon after we do things, many times, we will catch her inspirations all over our neighborhood and the town - the best form of flattery. You're welcome North America!

I am still wrapping my mind around the fact that I will probably not ever be going back to my former job. I wrote that first paragraph yesterday as I do sometimes to try to capture my true feelings and the passion of a situation. I liked that job and was good at it and I was doing good to help people every single time I worked. I have accepted it and am moving-on but if it has a chance of killing me it is what is meant to be. I already do way too many that could kill me. What, I have to stop over-eating now too?

I have thoughts almost every day about moving to Germany. I know that I probably never will but, as much as I have been brain-washed to love the U. S. and A, I see so much more appreciation for people and the environment and fairness and equality in other countries. Canada is much the same as Europe and moving would be much cheaper.

All of that ivy and vine talk makes me remember that I have to mow the yard today. Tomorrow night I will probably go to Chicago again. Last week I just walked around the lakefront. I watched a Triathlon, walked to Buckingham Fountain, went to the Art Museum, went through Millennium Park, Michigan Avenue, killed some cups of homeless or whatever their situation, just became a tourist of a city I know fairly well. It is so large and things change so much that it is always different. My watch told me that I did over 13,000 steps while I was walking for that three-ish hours. Because of that, and riding in and out of the city with Cha Cha, I really like going. We usually have dinner after her class too. We try to do it before her class but the traffic usually makes that nearly impossible unless we left earlier. However, she is working earlier so that is tough. Navy Pier is quite a hike but, if I start directly for there when her class begins, I think I could do that and be back in time. Plus, there are about one-million taxis in town if I get n a time-crunch to get back? I will have to do some homework tonight about this.It looks like it is about 23 city blocks each way; I think this may be the plan.

Thank you for stopping by and giving me a place to work out my plans and frustration. Some of the world seems to be trying to toss me onto the scrap heap but I will not allow that happen and I appreciate your helping me. I so appreciate you being here as often as you can be; it helps me to keep going. I hope you have a fantastic day and, if you happen to be in Chicago tomorrow night, let me know and maybe I'll buy you a beer at the pier (I should probably copyright that "Beer at the Pier" thing though I cannot believe that hasn't been used before). TTTT...MITM (out) TA

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