Thursday, September 17, 2015

Sorry so Late Today but...I Have Been Released (sort of)

But be a loving drunk like Matt In The Middle
My chauffeur just brought me back from my neurologist appointment. I allowed her to come in rather than making her sit in the car as most drivers are forced to do. I always give her the choice because maybe she would rather get in the back and have a highball and watch a movie or something. I remember when I was very young my grandparents used to call drinks highballs; it sounded so classy when they got plastered. And then, when we went home, my grandpa, apparently, would beat my grandma. Oh, the glorious 1960's. I never knew that he hit her until years later - he was always very nice to me and I never would have thought about something like that ever even happening. Be careful what you do now because it may be revealed when you're gone and then your image will be tarnished.

I have been released by the neurologist to go back to work beginning Monday; I am so excited. I have, however, been given work limitations. We dropped-off the sheet to the Human Resources department and they said they will check with the department and see what they have available for me. The only limitations I have are that I must work day shift and it must be "sedentary" (I suppose in case I have a seizure). I was hoping that going back to work meant getting back into shape easier but, I suppose diet and exercise will have to do for now. Hopefully, the department has something for me; I was told by H.R. that I should wait for a call. If I had to guess I would predict I will be in Records. I hope they don't throw me in with dispatch because I don't think I could handle that job. Since it is daytime I doubt they need any help in dispatch anyway. Nighttime is much busier than daytime in the line of work that I do. I am just happy that, apparently, I am headed in the right direction mentally and medically. I was worried that I would never get better - this will be the test. I am not sure what happens if my department doesn't have any positions. And, working for a state that is supposedly broke, maybe it is cheaper for them to pay me to stay home. I sure hope that is not the case. Yet another adventure and learning experience.

I don't know, when I am working days, when I will write the blog. I suppose I could either write it at night and post it in the morning or I could just write it and post it at night. I guess it is up to you when you read it so it really doesn't MATTer when I post it. I will let you know if and when the change begins. I don't even know how many people read it. As long as there is one I will write - I read it (sometimes... those are the rare days with no misspelling and typos).

I am going to Chicago with Cha Cha tonight for her class at DePaul University tonight. Her class is about three hours long and I will probably hang-out either at the Lake Michigan riverfront or maybe at Harold Washington Library.  It is not like there is a shortage of things to do by The Magnificent Mile and Lake Michigan. And then, Saturday I am going to Wrigley Field to see the Cubs and Cardinals. I should get an apartment in the city, huh?

Yesterday I painted the front door, mowed the lawn and spread nine bags of pea gravel on the path on the side of the garage. I have one more bag of gravel but am waiting to see if there is any settlement and I can add that bag if needed. Then I made dinner, cleaned the kitchen and did laundry. How is all of this stuff gonna get done with me not here? I guess I will have to spread the wealth again - woo hoo! We got ten bags of pea gravel and a quart of paint for free (sort of). We bought some of things "on sale" at Menard's awhile back and their sales mean that you have to stop at the service counter on the way out and pick up a rebate slip and then fill it out and get a rebate voucher in the mail. So, I did that awhile back and we got a voucher for $37 and some change. I will be damned if I am gonna let them bamboozle me into thinking I won't go through the trouble so they don't pocket the "savings" that other companies have. What a scam! If I can find a way not to get scammed I will take that way.

Okay, I have more to get done around here before heading east. Thank you for stopping by; I really, really, really appreciate you. Have a great night. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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