Tuesday, September 22, 2015

"What Time is it" Used to be an Easier Question to Answer

Did you know that the telegraph and trains, mainly,  were the reasons that time zones were invented? Trains were each on their own schedules and would crash into each other quite often so something had to be done. The time zones began as 100 railroad time zones and then were whittled down from 300 sun zones. Now we have 24 time zones on Earth - makes sense doesn't it? There needed to be one central location for longitudinal references so the Greenwich Meridian, based at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, was started because the Greenwich Observatory had a great reputation for its accuracy and reliability. It's nice that Jill takes these classes so I can learn things that I may or may not forget. We, the royal "we" I suppose, are all pretty much aware of the time these days with our cell phones and watches but there are so many things that we take for granted. I am neurotic about time and I am a slave to it. I cannot stand being late though I have sort of become used to it if I go anywhere with most other people. I will never like being late though I imagine it continue until I am late for my own funeral. Cha Cha is still on pre-time zone time quite often. Can you imagine getting on a ship or a train and have no idea what time you would get somewhere or whether or not you'd run into another train or ship? The Rolling Stones may never have gotten so popular had the time zones never been invented.

I am going to quit talking about all the things that I forget unless I forget; I am just gonna deal with it internally. That is not to say that you will not hear me utter, "oh, I'm sorry, I forgot" coming out of my cake-hole now and again.
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I will be so happy next November when this stupid Presidential election is over. Can you believe we still have over a year to hear the gas of these blowhards? The primaries don't even begin until March. Some candidates are already starting to call it quits but, until Donald Trump (along with his toady Sarah Palin) drops-out it will continue to be a side-show. We all know that Trump is doing this because he is a media-whore and loves to hear his own gas, right? I am sure he is getting lots of tax breaks from being a "Presidential candidate." He would lose money being President. There is NO WAY he wants to really be in charge of our country. However, I bet his ego is pushing hard. I am already working on my exit strategy based on a worse-case scenario.

Today I am going to work on Cha Cha's the project that I bought the 17-foot piece of wood for yesterday. I do not think that it will be that difficult but those are usually the worse kinds of projects. I like the ones that seem impossible because there is less pressure of doing it perfect and you are almost always pleasantly surprised. I need to get dressed and get working on that so I will probably end now. Thank you for stopping-in. I hope you have a great day. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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