Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I'm A Believer

I would call myself a believer. I believer in fate. I believe in destiny, I believe in chance, I believe in karma. I believe I can fly. I believe in the curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, I believe there oughta be a constitutional amendment outlawing astro-turf and the designated hitter... I never realized that I believe in so much until this morning. I don't believe in more than I do believe in I think though. I was lying in bed and wanting to stay there for a bit longer because it was warm and cozy under the covers so I turned on the television while I started the slow waking process. HBO must have been what was on television last because that is the channel that came on. The movie Life is Beautiful was on. I remember we saw it in the theater and we liked it very much. I also realize that I believe that I cannot believe that Shakespeare in Love beat-out Life is Beautiful and Saving Private Ryan for the best picture (Academy Award) for 1988. Watching that film again made me think about our European Vacation (boy, I sure hope that movie didn't win any awards unless they were Rotten Tomatoes - I am afraid to check so I will not). Life is Beautiful made me really think about all of the beautiful places we visited in Europe and how ugly and horrific many of them must have been back during World War II and just before. I also realize there has been (and still is) lots of hate and very ugly behavior in the U.S. and A but we are still infants compared to the lands of Europe.

While over in Germany we looked at all of the castles and marveled at their being built and how majestic they look but now I start to consider how they were probably all built using slave labor and that they were built to protect the surrounding villages from attacks from other peoples trying to take what you had built for yourselves and make you and your family slaves. Times really have not changed that much though the terrorism is more efficient and swifter these days. Wow, I really just bummed myself about our trip.

When I was looking-up things up about Life is Beautiful I found that the boy (a man now) who played Joshua (the son) has been in two major films and, in both, the person playing his father won the Oscar for best actor. Roberto Benigni won for playing Guido in Life is Beautiful and Russell Crowe won for playing Maximus Decimus Meridius in Gladiator. If I am ever in a major motion picture or even a student film where I have a son I am going to request that Giorgio Cantarini play that part. Since he is the same age as Splenda it should be doable. I predict we will see him again in Hollywood.
Girorgio Cantarini then and now

I had been doing pretty well medically on vacation other than getting a cold that I contracted. Some of the people that were on the river cruise got very sick. A few were hospitalized and a couple even flew home early. I just toughed-it-out because I was at least 20 years younger than just about everybody on the trip other than the people who worked there and Cha Cha. Anyway, the last two days I had three mild seizures (or episodes). I am sure it had something to do with the jet lag and my medicine being taken at odd hours compared to what my body had grown accustomed to. I do think most of my issues are related to lack of sleep or very limited time sleeping. It seems pretty clear to me that, when I get cleared to go back to work, I need to find a job with real-people hours. I was never meant to work vampire hours. I am a pantie waist - a delicate flower.

While overseas, as I always do, I entertained myself in my mind. Whenever I saw someone's bloomers I said to myself. "I see London, I see France, I see somebody's underpants." I never in my life got to say that while I was in London and France. It never meant so much to me as when it was true. I may even have that written on my tombstone though I don;t intend on having a tombstone - I want to be one of those fertilizer pouches for a tree. Ashes and dust!

Something else I found out that was kind of cool is that both the Prime Minister and the President of Luxembourg are homosexuals. I think that is fantastic! Supposedly, we have had a homosexual President but not openly, of course. Supposedly, James Buchanan was said to have been gay and many are saying that Barack Obama is gay and that Michelle is a beard (not a joke). I could not care less either way whether people are gay or not. I just want them to be able to do their jobs and I do not know how sexual orientation one way or another has any impact on how you can lead a country. I have many friends who are gay and it makes no difference to me or them. I am not sure why sexual orientation is on any issue. I am extremely happy that not everyone else is like me. I really cannot stand myself most of the time so I am glad we're all different. One thing that I found out even more interesting is that, when you are anywhere in Luxembourg you are always withing 30 minutes of being out of Luxembourg. You cannot even say that about every state in the United States and Luxembourg is a country. I do have to say, however, that the people were the rudest of all the countries were in.Must be like small country complex or something? They have five national languages there too: French, English, Portuguese, German and Luxembourgish,
Burial spot of George and Beatrice Patton, sort of

We visited the Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial where General George S. Patton is buried along with thousand of American soldiers that lost their lives fighting in Europe so we could enjoy the freedoms that we do today. I cannot even imagine what kind of world we'd have today, if any, had Hitler accomplished what he was trying to do. I am very thankful to the sacrifice these men and women paid for us. One story about the cemetery that warmed my heart was that Patton wanted to buried with the men and women who fought with him. He is buried right near the soldiers who fought for us. When his wife died she could not be buried there as it is a soldier's cemetery. She was cremated and their sons brought her ashes to the cemetery and sprinkled her ashes on her beloved husband's grave so they could be together for eternity. That really warmed my heart.

Okay, that is all for today. I will add a few photos to the An Idiot and a Broad page in a bit too. We have so many photos so that may go on for months. Thank you for travelling with us and for all of your nice words and comments. I always appreciate you and you never cease to keep raising my bar of appreciation. Hey, that might be a good name for a bar. Have a great day. For me, I will be cleaning the kitchen and doing about ten load of laundry and unpacking several suitcases. TTTT...MITM (out and happy to be back to reality for a bit) TA!

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