Thursday, August 13, 2015

It's Simple KISMATT

 A hotel in the MIDDLE of town with a casino? And I didn't even pick it? KISMET! 
I have not blogged using my phone but will give it a shot for old time sake. I could use my computer but I am afraid it would lose power before I completed writing it. I have the charger but, being in the Czech Republic,  I cannot plug the charger in. I bought one of those international converters but it does not accommodate three - pronged chargers. I am just happy to be blogging at all. I have no idea what time it is but my phone says it's 01:18 and my computer says it's 06:18. Hold-on… It is 18:18 at home and it is 01:18 here. I guess that means my sleeping is out of whack. I had not slept for nearly three days and I slept last night until 01:00 this morning which is still last night at home at home. I suppose this is why the super-wealthy move their money so much; they can get interest more often maybe? I will never know that stress.

We are currently staying in the Hilton in Prague. Imagine my excitement when I learned there was a casino right in the hotel. I collect poker chips - what else would a degenerate collect? They are like little bitty pieces of art. I am not a big drinker (actually, I rarely drink any alcohol at all for the past year or so) and hookers carry disease (so I am told)… So, I went down there yesterday afternoon to get a chip and I had 500 korunas (called crowns here) burning a whole in my pocket. So, I sad down at a blackjack table and got five 100 crown chips. I quickly turned my 500 into 2000 (okay, it wasn't quickly) and cashed-out. Of course, I tipped the dealer a couple hundred crowns and kept one of the 100's for my collection.  One dollar is roughly 24.23 korunas. I do not know why I collect chips but I love the thrill of gambling and I love competition. It was early so it was just one guy and I sitting at the table and nothing else was going on. He appeared to be of of MIDDLE Eastern decent. Blackjack pretty much only requires one to be able to add to twenty-one and know a little bit of strategy. A good memory and the ability to count cards would come in handy buy, apparently, that is not required on a short-term basis as someone with a poor memory these days (your's truly) did pretty well in a short time. We are here one more night and then we move to Germany. Maybe I will go to the casino a little later tonight so I can play some Texas Hold'em. Hold'em, like Blackjack, is the same the world-over other than the currency of the chips. Gambling is kind of a universal language.
Cha Cha found Captain Obvious working at London Heathrow yesterday

It is really weird to be listening to the St. Louis Cardinals losing 7 - 0 in the first inning at almost 2AM. The Cards have not even batted yet and they are already behind by seven? At least they will have a lot of chances to score runs with nine innings of batting remaining.

Today we are going on some kind of walking-tour in town. We will see some castle and other historic places. BLOG break - Cardinals just scored two runs in the bottom of the first inning. They are chopping away at that deficit. Anyway, in addition the castle, we will see the 15th century astronomical clock. It is the oldest working astronomical clock in the world. That is one of the things that I have been looking forward to seeing here in the Czech Republic for some reason. Today will set the entire climate of what tours we will join and which days will be on our own. I predict, after today, we will be doing stuff alone as a happy couple. Most of the people on this trip with us are really annoying. Maybe that is just travel fatigue talking? We could be about 85% of these people's grandchildren. Maybe I am just tired because it's 02:16 in the morning and I have had five hours of sleep in four days. Maybe I will go back to sleep for about four hours but, I bet that casino down stairs is hopping' right now.
Pretty sure there was a camera above that urinal

Incidentally, the people in this town are all so nice. And, they are fit and most of them are great looking. Cha Cha and I fit right in here. Other than not speaking the language. I am pretty sure that everyone here thinks we are Czech. We are just going to act like we are deaf for the remainder of our time in this town. And, since we are always together. we are Czech Mates! HA, I crack me up when I am sleep deprived.

The bathrooms are so much different here than in American. I suppose a lot of it is because they like to conserve water... but I further think it may be for hidden camera shows. I am almost certain that Benny Hill or someone installed cameras above all of the urinals in Heathrow Airport. I am semi-serious about the cameras (bot blaming Benny Hill). There was a smoked-brown screen in that space above the urinal there and it looked like a camera behind it. I guess it could have just been plumbing or something. Anyway, maybe I will be a British star soon?

Thank you for stopping by and keeping everything running properly back in the states. I hope you have a great day while we are sweating our butts off with the metric temperatures. I will try to blog again tomorrow but, who knows what the day might bring? TTTT (most likely depending on time and connectivity)…MITM (out) TA!

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