Monday, August 3, 2015

In This Corner Weighing-In at 10 Ounces...

I washed all three cars on Saturday right after I blogged. It felt like World War II was going on in the driveway with the Jeep (America) representing the Allies and the Fiat (Italy) and the Toyota (Japan) representing the Axis powers. Fortunately, all three of these guys get along pretty well despite their countries of origins' sordid histories. While I was washing the cars I would make sure to water all of the flowers around the front yard intermittently since we hadn't had rain for several days and it has been pretty hot. I felt like Oskar Schindler (played by Liam Neeson in the film Schindler's List) when he tricked the Nazis into spraying the water from the fire hoses into the very hot train boxcars full of the people heading to the internment camps. That was even before I realized that I was washing the filth from WWII.

I have always been very empathetic and I had always thought that was one of my strong suits but I now believe that maybe I have been wrong for all of these years. I think my empathy is a weakness now. Maybe the times have changed (of course they have) and being empathetic is one of my weak points? I am not sure if I can rid myself of this character flaw because it is now so ingrained in my DNA. Perhaps I am entering that part of life when one looks back and asks, "is this all that there is?" I could not be happier with my family and the friends that I have made over my half-century but I seem like I am entering a George Bailey phase. "...Remember, no man is a failure who has friends." It's odd that this song just came on the radio (Pandora, actually) when I typed that last sentence. That song does always make me Smile! I think I am probably just tired and not thinking clearly (not a new phenomenon for me) because that sleep machine (CPAP) is worthless though I did sleep a bit better last night that subsequent nights. Maybe I just had to get used to it again? I will probably give it another couple of weeks and then decide if it is worthy to travel the globe with Cha Cha and I. Why would I lug something half-way around the world that was useless? Though Cha Cha is doing that. I may as well just grab a 20-pound boulder and take it with me. At least, with a boulder, you pretty much know what you are gonna get - a weapon that they probably would not allow on the plane. I could say that I am a geologist or I could lie and say it is a dinosaur egg.

I have to buy some new travel clothes this week. I will probably go the Aurora to the Premium Outlet Mall or whatever it is called. I am being told that I am not supposed to look so American when I am in Europe. I am not ashamed to be American though there are many embarrassing things going on here most of the time but that can be said about most countries from time-to-time I imagine. I think people all over the World know that people are all different and, even though there may be crazy things going on in the news from one's homeland, that does not mean that you are party to that foolishness. I think much of our problem is that we find it necessary to broadcast every little thing 24 hours every day throughout the cosmos to share our tomfoolery.

While I was mowing the lawn yesterday, just before I turned the sprinkler on so everything could grow again because I love mowing so much, I started to think that maybe I am bi-polar. More specifically, bi-organal if that is a thing. If it is not a thing I am going to take credit for coming-up with the new term that will soon be a craze among all the cool Matts (McConaughey. Damon, Helser, Lauer, Dillon, LeBlanc, Holliday, Wilander (Mats), St. Matthew, Lillard...). I feel that we all have one of our organs be the primary organ. For most people, supposedly, it is the brain that controls our bodies and all of our other organs - kind of the Organ Boss (or, Organ Grinder). I believe that my brain is secondary to my heart (yes, I realize feelings actually come from your brain). I think, with my heart though, sometimes I think with my stomach. My brain is just on a mini vacation or hiatus because he knows that the heart can handle everything. I have always worn my heart on my sleeve and, try as I might, most of the time I have a difficult time hiding my true feelings. I am pretty good at it when I am playing poker; I am pretty good at hiding my emotions when I want to take someone else's chips. I would say my heart running things is great, as far as I am concerned, most of the time. I have a battle of The Wizard of Oz going on inside.

I mowed the lawn yesterday morning and, for the third time in a row, it rained right after I got done mowing. This time it included ping pong ball-sized hail. That is slightly smaller than golf ball-sized hail though I bet there were a few golf balls in the mix. It seemed like a drought before I mowed and I had sprinklers going most every day for the past week. I am sorry that I waited to mow the lawn until yesterday; I could have saved you and us some water usage on our bills had I mowed sooner. I will try to keep an eye on that in upcoming weeks though August 12th - 24th you will be on your own or you need to get a stand-in groundskeeper. This week, in the role of head groundskeeper, will be William James Murray. Can you tell that Bill Murray loves baseball? His kids' names are: Homer (home run), Luke (Appling), Cooper (Cooperstown), Cal (Ripken), Jackson (Reggie) and Lincoln (he loves the Cubs and they are from Illinois - The land of Lincoln). I don't know if that is who the kids are named for but I bet I am correct on at least one or two of those.
 There may have been a few gold ball sized ones in there 
Alright, this blog is getting away from me like an outside pitch and I have stuff to get going on. Idle hands (and minds) are the devil's play thing and I don't need any help from no devils. I have a filing cabinet project to get done today as my primary goal. We inherited an old (metal) filing cabinet several years ago and I am going to transform it today. I will take before and after photos but I wish I would have taken a photo yesterday before I gave it the deep clean to get a true "before" photo. You will just have to picture it filthy with spilled (what looked like coffee or soda) stains all over it and bits and pieces of various kinds of tape and stickers and such that had been on it for centuries at the office/business it came from. It was nothing a little elbow grease and a razor blade couldn't handle. Anyway, I have to get to that.

Thank you for coming by - I am always happy that you do (even though I really don't know when you don't). Have a great day and watch out for hail Henny Penny! TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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