Friday, August 7, 2015

I Wonder if My Teeth Talk to One Another?

I can sure tell that I grew-up in the age of Disney films. When I am doing yard, work and let's say I am watering the flowers, I can almost hear the other flowers and plants say things like, "hey, me next" or "what about us over here?" Yes, I realize they are not saying anything even though I am certifiably (at least temporarily) off my coconut but I feel like all things have an energy and everything is alive. Not in the same way that we are alive but we are all here for reasons. Maybe that is just how I keep myself entertained or perhaps I am a pantheist like the native Americans were/are. That is probably how telekinesis works; the person with that ability is drawing on the energy from the thing that they are moving. Maybe that is all poppycock but it keeps me entertained in my vast wasteland of a mind .
 As George Washington is my witness I may be done with dentists forever! 

When I went to the dentist last week they only did an examination to determine what I needed done; I think that is code for "let's see what we can get his insurance to pay for."  Then, when I got there  yesterday the dentist blindsided me.  I ended-up having a deep cleaning and four cavities filled. after the cleaning they asked if I wanted to get the fillings done or come back. I told her that if I didn't get them today I wouldn't get them done so they squeezed me in $$$$. I didn't even know I had four more cavities. Why didn't they do them when they did that other one last week? After the appointment I wasn't supposed to have anything spicy and was supposed to only have soft food so I had a can of Hormel Turkey Chili, which I consider soft, and I only put eight shakes of Tabasco in it so, since they used the relative terms "soft" and "spicy" I followed the rules. I usually do twice as much of the hot sauce and the chili is soft. Plus, for the most part, I swallowed it without chewing it because my lips and cheeks were still very numb and I couldn't really chew very well anyway. The little I did chew I only used my two front teeth like a chipmunk. Good thing I got those two front teeth for Christmas last year - it's all I wanted. I forgot, I also chopped up some red onion and put that in the chili. Again, I only chewed those with my front teeth. When I was done with the appointment I felt like Dudley Moore in the movie 10 after he had six cavities filled. I am supposed to go for a follow-up in three months but I think I may be done with dentists. Plus, I may be living in Europe and  will use my new socialized medicine. Maybe I will see if George Washington's wooden teeth are for sale. That was a myth, by the way. His teeth were not wooden teeth. His false teeth were actually made of: hippopotamus ivory. bone, brass screws, lead, gold metal wire and other human teeth. I remember seeing them on one of our vacations. I cannot imagine the pain back in those days without the numbing cream I got yesterday. And we whine when we can't get good WiFi.
It looks like money from the game of LIFE!

I am pretty much packed for our trip. I know I will forget something or need something else but I need to learn how to use English Pounds and French Francs and Deutsch Marks and Euros and whatever they use in Luxembourg and The Czech Republic so this will be a great opportunity. Following Cha Cha's advise, since she is a lot smarter than I am, I have packed mainly dark clothes (blacks, browns, blues...) I have a few colorful things but not much. When in Europe dress as the Europeans I guess. I cannot believe that I packed four pairs of shoes. Don't tell anyone but most of my underwear are brighter colors - this bird has to fly a little; it's the rebel in me.

Tonight we are going out to dinner with my parents. That way, if we die in a plane crash or Somali Pirates overtake our boat (do you suppose there are pirates on the Rhine River?) or decide to stay there they got to see us one last time. Both kids have their passports so they can come join us when we get settled. My mom and dad are welcome too. I think it would be nice for our family's future to have decent healthcare at a fair price.

I have to end now. I have to get some new filters for the furnace/air conditioner so it is good for the occupants of our home while we are gone. I also have to get bird seed so it can be still here when we get back instead of fed to the birds every day like it is when I am here. I have a few other things I have to get too. I think I AM going to get a selfie stick the more I think about it. That won't look too touristy/American, right? We won't be holding-up lines and blocking other people when we take photos though. Thank you for coming by. I hope you enjoy your day and night. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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