Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A Small Leak Will Sink a Mighty Ship!

Our neighbor, Phyllis, came over last night and brought us an entire album of photos from Fabio's high school graduation party that she took and put together. Actually, it a hardcover book of photos she had made with her photos. She is such a nice person and we have only known her for a few months. We certainly did trade-up from the previous neighbors when she and her family moved in next door. As Phyllis and her grandson were leaving she, Cha Cha and I stood in the front yard while her grandson shot baskets in our driveway and many neighbors came over. It was like watching an episode of Ozzie and Harriet or Leave it to Beaver or something. Kids running all over playing and the grown-ups standing around jaw-jacking.

Is it just me or is that a sexist acronym?
It is time for me to get to the bottom of why I have not been paid anything from my SURS (State University Retirement System of Illinois) my entire time off of work. They have tried to throw every obstacle imaginable at me saying "we don't have this form" or "that my doctor's offices didn't send the correct information"... but, as I look at everything, all that they have asked for has been sent to them and now they say nothing and I am paid nothing yet, we still have to pay the hospital and doctor and specialist... bills. They also made me send in proof that I was a citizen of this country. I have been paying their useless insurance and retirement payment for about ten years and, now, you want to know if I am a citizen? How could I be working here without being a citizen? I was sure having state and federal taxes taken out of my check! I can see why there are so many people in this country who do not and cannot pay their medical bills. I am fortunate enough to have other avenues and means to get money (savings, retirement funds from past jobs...) where some people do not have these resources. I am very disillusioned by the state of healthcare in this country and, with the upcoming Presidential election, I believe this will be one my key issues when voting for President. I do not want to see people in need of medical attention go through what I am going through without means to get healthy. I cannot fathom what frustration there must be to have the medical bills Cha Cha and I have had and not being able to pay them. And then, to have people calling them free-loaders or moochers while sitting in their Donald Trump mansions and pretending like they want to run this country. And we call ourselves the best nation on Earth? HA! A nation that does not take care of their sick and hungry and homeless... should not be considered one of the World leaders. What happened to by the people, of the people and for the people? I really have gotten myself worked-up. Fortunately, I try to see the good in things and in people and I usually find it. There is lots of good in our state but it is not near the top - the cream needs to rise. Maybe I will go to my Union and have them investigate? I am paying them for something too I guess. But, I will talk to SURS and my work H.R. Department first (proper channels and all). I feel I have to fight this fight for other people who have this problem but are not as fortunate as I am. don't get me wrong, we could use the money - a small leak will sink a mighty ship. What is gonna happen if and when I retire from this sinking ship? I am afraid all of the lifeboats will be gone by then.

I got the cabinet I mentioned in yesterday's blog finished last night. I worked on it pretty-much all day long. It looks great and I will take some photos and put them somewhere (probably on my Facebook page and maybe the Matt In The Middle Facebook page too). I failed to take any "before" pictures so maybe taking photos is pointless. I am pretty happy with the way it turned-out.
At least I am not this stuffed-up

I am really nasally stuffed-up today. I don't know if I am getting sick or if I have allergies or it a depression symptom or stress or why, but I do know that it is annoying. I think I have days like this off-and-on where everything bothers me all at one time and I deal with the things and then am good for a month or so. I have many things I need to do before I disappear on our trip to my homeland.

I have been writing this blog for a couple of hours and I continue to be distracted by silly things. Maybe I need to just go back to bed for awhile after I finish this and call SURS. Even that acronym bothers me - it seems sexist. I realize it is spelled differently that "sirs" but it is pronounced the same.

I think tomorrow will be the day for shopping for trip-wear. I am not on to buy clothing online and find out that it doesn't fit correctly. I have to know that I don't look even more hideous that normal. I don't to be known as looking like a descendant of Frankenstein's monster forever more in Germany. Did Frankenstein and is bride have children? I checked and yes, Dr. Frankenstein had children but I am not sure if the monster and his bride did or could. How come the movie was called Bride of Frankenstein when she was actually The Bride of Frankenstein's Monster? After checking I see that there have been many sequels for Frankenstein. Many of the stories were also written by Mary Shelley.

Okay, it is approaching 09:00 and I should call SURS in a few minutes so I am going to wrap this up. I am not very confident that this call will not go well but it is where I believe I have to start. The next step will be the H.R. Department at work and then, if it comes to that, the Union. Why do we pay into all of these programs if, when we need them, they are not there for us? I am trying to work myself-up and get my fighting face on. I can be tenacious and, unfortunately, I think I will have to be Ugly Matt before this is done. I don;t like to be in Hulk Smash mode but sometimes it is necessary and, most of the time, it gets results. Wish me luck (just in your mind is fine).

Thank you for stopping-by to let me whine and get some things off of my blog. Have a great day - so far it seems fairly nice out - I think I will keep it out. TTTT...MITM (out) TA! I will take photos of that cabinet today too - I mostly promise. TA Squared!

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