Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tell Me Are You Locked in the Blog?

I have always loved the rain
It's Thursday but if we get too Thursday in the MIDDLEwest today all we have to do is go outside and look up with our mouths open and our Thursd will be quenched. I love the rain and I love gloomy days. I really don't know why but I really do. When I was a kid I think it was good because we wouldn't have to march in parades if it was raining and for the last 17 years I worked in construction management and when it rained I didn't have to worry about problems because nobody was working but me and those were the days I got to go take customers to lunch and catch people in their offices to pay their bills. I am just guessing on the reasons. It may just simply be that I prefer the dark and the cooler temperatures (which I do) - those are probably more the true reasons or maybe it's all of that.
Ted Begley Jr.

Yesterday I got the call that I got the job that I have been trying to get for the last couple of months. Orientation is Monday and I am not sure what my schedule will be yet but I am happy to have a full-time gig after 2 1/2 years. I will still be able to keep my part-time job too and the benefits at this new job are tremendous. It will be nice to tell people what I do for a living again when I meet someone new and they ask me what I do for a living. My job, up until yesterday, was to look for a job. That and podcasting and blogging.

Life is going pretty well right now and for some reason I feel guilty thinking that. I almost am already waiting for the other shoe to drop but the entire pair of shoes has been in the basement for the last couple of years so I will enjoy the shoes where they are right now just as long as I can. I never felt depressed the entire time I was out of work though I had been told by several people, some directly and some indirectly, that I seemed depressed. I don't really see that. I tried to keep a stiff upper lip and always look on the bright side (you knew I would use that video again didn't you?). I am a pretty optimistic person as far as you know. I am usually a wreck inside but I always figure everybody has their own problems and they don't need my baggage too. Maybe my baggage was falling from the turnstile of life and I didn't realize it.

I have been writing this blog for about two hours and I keep getting distracted. Funny how life just manages to keep going no matter what I am doing. I am paying bills and blogging and updating my IPod. It would have taken the Pilgrims months to do what I have just done in the last two hours. Now that I think of it they could not have done what I have done in the past two hours. I dare you to show me one pilgrim that could have updated his/her IPod in the amount of time as I have done it today.
Ed Danson

When did Ted Danson and Ed Begley Jr. become the same guy? Probably about the same time that McConaughey and I did.

In updating my Ipod I have just realized that I don't have enough Adam Ant on there; which I will remedy very shortly. And, when I think of Adam Ant I think of Atom Ant and then I think of Andy Kaufman. Fortunately I have plenty of R.E.M.. I think Andy Kaufman was probably one of the funniest men that ever existed. Not only was he funny but he did great imitations and a was the greatest "Inter-Gender Wrestling Champion of the World" of all time. Again, weird how things pop into our heads isn't it? Please tell me that it's not only me. By your silence I will assume that I am not alone (ironically).

I would like to thank you for coming to my blog. I wish it was better, you know, but it is so stupid. It's terrible. I do not even like it. All the most important things of my life are changed around and mixed-up for dramatic purposes. So, I decided to cut out all of the bologna. Now the blog is much shorter. In fact, this is the end of the blog. Thank you very much.... I am not fooling. Goodbye. Go. Roll credits. (that's a very long link - TWSS)

Seriously, thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a great day and I will blog to you again tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (Matt On The Moon!)

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