Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Remake the Pain!!!

I was just watching the early morning news and they were talking about the Republicans having another debate. What is the purpose behind all of these debates? Are these politicians just trying to get free trips around the country so by being in these debates they can justify all of their donors' donations?  Do they just not have any idea who their candidate should be so they keep hoping someone will separate themselves from the pack? I have never been much of a political person but I sincerely don't understand all of this.

If you listened to the Dirty Laundry Podcast this week you heard that I am thinking about starting the Handsome Matts Club (HaMaC). McConaughey, Damon, Perry. LeBlanc, Dillon, Lauer and I will be the first class of inductees. The reason I mention it is that they are making a film about the life of Liberace called "Behind the Candelabra." Michael Douglas is playing Liberace and Damon is starring as Liberace's live-in lover Scott Thorson. I always found Liberace fascinating even as a kid. He was definitely flamboyant. Even as a youngster I knew he was homosexual but I think some of his fans were actually surprised when it was confirmed. The movie is scheduled to begin filming next summer. I feel compelled to report on news of the HaMaC members (some of these guys are already members of the Handsome Mens Club and we will have the same logo so they don't have to purchase new ties and stuff). I think that may have to become a regular feature on the podcast - "this week in Matt news" covering news from the Matts of the world? I have until this weekend to decide (when we record the next podcast).

I worked-out yesterday and I was not surprised to find out that by not working-out for a month I have gotten weaker. I was able to complete my entire work-out but it was tough and I am pretty sore today. I am going to try another mini-work-out today and then a full one again tomorrow (I am a work-out scientist right now). I am back on the work-out wagon and will stay on it because it is tough to get back on that wagon once you get off. Where did that term "off the wagon" come from? I think it mainly is said when someone has stopped drinking alcohol and then they start again they are "off the wagon." Why wouldn't they be "back on the wagon?" Like the Budweiser Clydesdale beer wagon? I guess the wagon must be sobriety and when you start drinking you "fell off the wagon." The main thing I think of when I think of wagons is the early settlers in America heading West to find prosperity and expand the country. I imagine in those days falling off the wagon was bad because you got left behind and they didn't have rear-view mirrors back then. One of the popular thoughts, as I Googled it right now, is that back in the 1800's, when people were starting to campaign for Prohibition, the "wagon" was referring to the water cart that watered the dirt streets to keep the dust down. People who were opposed to drinking would say they would sooner drink from the water cart to quench their thirst than drink alcohol. Prohibition really worked out well didn't it? I guess it worked pretty well for people like Al Capone.

You know that I always rail about Hollywood remaking movies and Cha Cha and I were talking about it and we figure that the one film that has been remade the most times has to be The Three Musketeers. There is a new Three Musketeers movie out again I am sure it won't be the last. I heard that they are going to be remaking: Annie, Uptown Saturday Night, The Last Dragon, The Wiz (which was already a remake of sorts of The Wizard of Oz), A Star is Born, Cleopatra (also already remade several times), Foxy Brown and Steel Magnolias. I am pretty sure that Annie has been remade several times already but, of course, we need more remakes. They're also talking about making Welcome Back Kotter and 21 Jump Street into movies but that's different. Most of these movies were good movies so why don't they take the bad movies and make them better instead? Of course, the better idea would be to have original ideas for films. There have been lots of books and The Facebook posts that would make great movies. Television shows are heading that way too with the likes of Hawaii Five-0 and Charlie's Angels. Hopefully somebody will remake Matt In The Middle one day!

Thanks for staying on the MITM wagon. I hope you have a wonderful day; if it was a good day yesterday do a "remake." These are what we in the blogging business call "call-backs." TTTT...MITM  (out to remake yesterday's pain of working-out again today). TA!

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