Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Hump Day!!!! (guess you'll have to read to find out what that means)

Kick it Roz!!!!

Hello there! It's Monday to you which turns out is kinda like my Wednesday this week. Cool - Happy unorthodox hump-day.

You know those little automatic flushing units on toilets and urinals (I said "units")? Did you even really look at those things? I am guessing you ladies have not because they are generally "behind" you but fellas have you ever looked at them when you were trying to stare straight ahead and not make eye contact with the dude next to you? Those things could actually be little tiny cameras (the automatic flushes not those things you are staring straight ahead for). Talk about pooperazzi! They are talking about using those stop light cameras to start sending out speeding tickets maybe they could use those little toilet "cameras" to  automatically flush (which I realize they already do) , take your holiday photos and order bathroom supplies when we get low. There are so many practical applications for those little flushing cameras. Can you imagine the celebrity photos we could have to endure?

I drank my very first 5 Hour Energy Drink last night, As you know, I don't drink or eat caffeine very often because I usually get stuffed-up and/ or acid reflux when I do; nothing major just tearing up my esophagus and kind of inconvenient. With my new hours I will sometimes have to work through the night and there is a wall I hit and need help breaking through it sometimes. The drink seemed to work pretty well but it didn't last for five hours for me. More like maybe three-and-a-half hours. I imagine if I took the time to get a telescope, because I don't think a microscope would be strong enough, the label might say something like "results many vary on each person." I think I may take another one the next graveyard shift I work but I will try it at a different time; you know me and the little experiments I do. It did not make me stuffed-up or get acid reflux though which was cool. I am such a dainty little daffodil. I imagine the stuff is terrible for me and my heart will probably burst but at least I will be awake to experience all the attention I will get!

I like to believe I would never resort to it but you can kinda think how entertainers like Elvis and Michael Jackson... would have to have "medicinal aids" to make it through weird schedules.

About three or four weeks ago or so Cha Cha told me that she thought I was depressed. I think I even blogged here how ridiculous that was. As it turns-out I think she may have been right as I see it getting further behind me in my cracked rear-view mirror. I don't know if I didn't recognize it or as a defense mechanism I was trying to deny it but now, in retrospect, I think maybe she was right. It made me upset that she thought that and I am pretty much a big baby when I realize that I am not Supermatt so it took a lot of courage for her to throw that Krytomatt rock my way. I don't know if I eventually would have seen it in myself or it would have grown into something worse like a bell-tower or something but I think if I recognize it now it must be done-with or at least heading in the right direction. Cha Cha has always had this way, don't tell her that I know this...thank goodness she doesn't read this blog, about telling me things I don't want to hear and she knows she has to deal with my: denial, tantrums, pouting, withdrawal... when she tells me but she still tells me eventually because she knows even when I deny it I still begin processing it in my pea-brain. She just lights the fuse, steps-back and lets it smolder for awhile until my head generates enough jiggawatts to work-it-out one way or another. I think we all deny faults in ourselves because that is a natural self-defense mechanism which is ironic because if we could see the things that people hint to us or finally come flat-out and tell us we would be such better, healthier people for them and for ourselves. I guess I am pretty lucky to have Cha Cha...she either loves me enough to take the heat so she told me knowing full-well she would have to suffer the consequences or she just got so fed-up she had to tell me and let the chips fall where they may.
The famous statue of "Anonymous"

I hope I am not one of those dudes who, like Hemingway or Twain or Shakespeare or Poe or countless other great writers that worked better with mental turmoil, writes better when under mental duress. Can you imagine this blog getting worse? That's right I am lumping myself in the same category with the likes of these writers and you might be well-advised not to question that in my still delicate mental state!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that many exclamation marks means that I am serious - one more would have meant insanity)

I have lots to do...I have some things to get at the store, I have to edit the Dirty Laundry Podcast that we recorded last evening (I didn't even link it there because it isn't ready yet and you are smart enough to find it if you're behind on your listening) and I have to roll-out some grass man (that last one will make a lot more sense when I get the podcast episode up and you listen to it). Those are just the major ones that have numbers 1, 2 and 3 in my line so far. Once I get on that 5 Hour Energy Drink's back I'm gonna ride that monkey 'til that monkey is done. Have a great humpday which may seem like a Monday to you but everything is all in our minds so share a humpday with me won't you (TWHS)? TTTT...MITM (I will tell you when the podcast is ready - today or tomorrow latest) TA!

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