Friday, October 28, 2011

Gonzo Goosebumps Anyone?

It should be called "Autumn Classic"
P.S. (pre-script) I am not going to proofread today's blog before I hit "publish" because I always miss stuff anyway and I am tired because it's 3:43AM and I haven't slept yet. 
Apparently I am getting used to my new weird work hours because I am off tonight and I am off tomorrow and here it is 2:03AM and I am wide awake writing a blog. I got done watching the World Series about three hours ago and the Cardinals won - game seven is tomorrow night! What a great game it was...I think I would have thought that even if the Rangers had won. Whichever team wins tomorrow (I guess it's actually today/tonight now isn't it?) they will be the 2011 World Series champs. I am thinking about trying to get a couple of tickets for the game but I haven't decided if I want to do that yet.

I have ear buds in right now and I am listening to my hours of the recordings I made at the Tinker Cottage paranormal investigation Splenda and I were part of a few months back. I figured Halloween was a great time to re-examine the paranormal investigation and try to get something of the Dirty laundry Podcast. I really, really want to do some more of this stuff. I don't know whether I believe in this stuff or not but it's fun to at least believe it's possible. Maybe that comes from my mind of a frustrated writer. It always gets my mind jumping that's for sure.

While I was taking the garbage out to the curb last night I remembered why I love the Autumn weather. Besides the cooler temperatures and the...holy crap I totally have the goosebumps this second listening to the recording. I seriously have goosebumps and the chills right now. I don't know whether to say what I just heard on the recordings or I should make you wait to hear them on the upcoming podcast where I will put it on there. I know you'll think I am making this up but I am not. I know there are coincidences too but I also believe there is some kind of a plane where things are not as black-and-white as we believe they are. I am really excited to get these files onto the podcast now. I will wait and let you hear it on the podcast. Even if I told you what I just heard on the recordings I know you'd listen to the podcast to hear it but I will wait to build the suspense...I don't think it's one of those things where I can build it up too will probably give you the chills too. Anyway...besides the temperatures and the leaves changing colors I love looking up in the night sky becasue the stars are always so bright and plentiful. It reminds me of when we went to Hawaii and I would get up in the MIDDLE of the night like I do and I'd look up at the stars and it seemed like I could reach out and touch them. Maybe it's because there's less pollution in Hawaii and less here in colder months? I know I told the story here before but in case you didn't read that blog - I remember looking at this really bright star at about 3:00AM on the big island of Hawaii and it was so bright and seemed so close I could actually see it changing colors from blue to yellow to pink... It made me understand the song Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star in a whole new way.
Goosebumps (chicken skin) are a funny thing
Now I am going to start listening to the recordings and typing again...I hope I get the goosebumps again! I got the chills and goosebumps at the same time. Does it mean different things if you get goosebumps in different places? In case you're a goosebump expert these ones were on the fronts of my thighs and a little on my left rear shoulder blade. It's 2:54AM now and I am totally distracted by the recordings I am listening too.

Are can openers becoming extinct? Most cans now have those pop-tops instead of needing a can-opener. They're probably better for camping. Are these new cans part of our economic problem in America? How many people did the can-opener industry employ?

I am a very big fan of Hunter S. Thompson. I like that he was who/what he wanted to be and made no excuses. He was also a very good writer. His most recent book was The Rum Diary which he wrote in 1998 and now is a new movie starring Johnny Depp. I think I will see it this weekend. Johnny Depp was a great friend of Thompson's before "Gonzo" died in 2005. Depp even played Thompson in his autobiographical novel turned to film - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I think I first started liking Thompson when I saw Where the Buffalo Roam. It was a movie starring Bill Murray as Hunter S. Thompson. I like when people have the courage to be who they want to be no matter who tries to tell them how they should be. He even had enough guts to travel with the Hells Angels for a year and write about them. When the Hells Angels decided that he was exploiting them they wanted a percentage of his royalties and he refused and they gave him a "stomping." His suicide letter, which he wrote four days before his death said, "No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun — for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax — This won't hurt." He even ended things on his own terms.

I think I may go to bed now since it's 3:35AM (still well within the witching hour). Have a great Friday and make sure you root for the Cardinals tonight. I apologize if this is fragmented but I was listening to those paranormal recordings the whole time and, though I consider myself a pretty good multi-tasker, I am usually wrong. I don't think I will blog over the weekend but if I do i will let you know. We have to do the podcast so you can hear why I go the goosebumps and I have to get to work both Saturday and Sunday. Thanks a lot for being here again; it means a whole lot to me. TTT?...MITM (parched)

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