Friday, October 14, 2011

Information on a Need-to-know Basis!

Hit it Roz! (music videos sure have come a long way since MTV started)
My 30-day lay-off from my part-time job for having too many hours is over and I get to work a football game and a concert tomorrow. And, Monday I start my new full-time job. With those changes there is another thing that I am not used to; I am actually the underdog in this week's match-up in fantasy football. Every other week, so far this season, I have been the favorite but this week I am the dog by two points. I am confident I will win this weekend regardless of what the predictions are but things are a-changin'. Why don't we have cheerleaders in fantasy football? It's weird that more people have fantasies about football players than cheerleader these days. Thanks a lot Honey Bears!

The concert that I get to work tomorrow is a concert by the first band I ever used my own money to buy their album- Kansas. I think I bought Kansas' Leftoverture and Queen's News of the World at the same time. It must have been 1977 because Leftoverture came out in 1976 and News of the World was released in 1977. I must have been in about 8th grade I figure. Eric Solfisburg M.D. (musical director) talked a lot about Kansas when he was on the Dirty Laundry Podcast a couple of months ago. I am kind of looking forward to the concert because I am guessing it's not going to be too wild of a crowd. Probably most MIDDLE-farts like me; maybe even older since I was in 8th grade and a lot of them may have been high school or college students when Kansas was huge. I sure am making a lot of assumptions aren't I? One day our kids will blog about how they are going to see an R.E.M. concert - a group from "long ago." Now that I think of it I also had Kansas' Point of No Return album. ITunes would have saved me a lot of money.

I am concerned, not greatly because I know how to prioritize, that my new job's hours are going to make it difficult or impossible for me to host the Playing For Change Benefit Concert we have scheduled for November 6th. I will find out Monday what my hours will be but my job is a job that is done seven-days-a-week. I do not have to work seven days a week, though I believe I can if I want to, but I don't know which of the seven dwarfs my five will fall into (I will probably get Grumpy and Dopey and Sleepy and Sneezy). It's not imperative that I am at the benefit concert as the bands are all scheduled but I am the planner and organizer and it's my brain-child and I have so few; I was hoping to be a part of it. I will keep you posted.

People have expressed interest in details of my new job. I am very thankful that so many people are happy for me - thank you. A lot of you have been without work over the past couple of years and can/could relate. Some of are still in that boat and I know things will work for you too but patience, a positive attitude and perseverance are important. I haven't been too specific with my new job because I don't know how much I can/should say. My new job is with a law enforcement agency that most of you are familiar with. I am not trying to be vague to create intrigue but that is a pretty cool added-benefit of my stealthy clandestine-ness. If I find out I can talk about it after my orientation / first day of training I will certainly blog it later. Maybe I need to make up something like spies do so I have something to tell people when they ask "what do you do?" I need a "back-story." Why are people judged by what they do for a living? I prefer to judge people by what they do and who they are as a person not by what they do or are as a profession. Do what makes you happy so you can be happy. Most people like happy people.

Is it just a coincidence that right after I decided to stop donating plasma that I got a job? If you're unemployed and donating plasma stop donating plasma and you will get a job. If not you will at least to be able to a part of my new very independent study on that correlation.

Have a great day today (and this weekend). I think Cha Cha and I may go to the large metropolitan hamlet of Genoa tonight to the Prairie State Winery for their "wine down." It's from 5:30 - 9:00ish if you're looking for something to do and want to see Cha Cha and I and our BRAND NEW CAR!!!! I guess I wouldn't make a very good spy blogging where I am going to be all the time - - - or would I? We'd love to see you there since that's really where we're going- - - or is it?. TTT(the podcast or tonight?)...MITM
Play 'em something appropriate here Roz II TA! (with a twist)

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