Thursday, October 27, 2011

Coming Up On This Week's Load of MITM!

Goes well with salt and catsup lip balms
I am starting to write this at 3:11AM CST Thursday morning. I am physically "writing" it because I am without a computer right now. I will have to type it, as I am doing now since you are reading it, later when I get to a computer. Maybe I should just scan this paper and post it as today's blog - nah.  It's kinda funny that BB (before Benadryl) I was always up this time of morning becasue i couldn't sleep and now I work at this time...maybe my "spirits" were preparing me and sending me premonitions of days to come. We should listen to the "spirits."

I was happy that the game six of the World Series was canceled Wednesday night due to "chance of rain" because I was at work? what in the hell is this "chance of rain" crap? Now I should be able to see both of the remaining games and watch the Cardinals win-out and become the 2011 World Series champions, Home field advantage has it's perks hopefully. It's gonna be tough but a fanatic (fan) has got to believe or what's the point?

I heard that that Paula Deen, that down-home hillbilly cook, is coming out with a butter-flavored lip balm. She seriously is. If I wanted butter-flavored lip balm why wouldn't I just use butter?

Tonight on my lunch/dinner/breakfast break (whatever you'd call a break at 2:30 AM) I listened to more of the audio from out Tinker Cottage paranormal investigation. It's so cool to listen to the files right on Roz. I didn't record it on Roz but I was able to put the files on Roz and she plays them for me. I guess I never told you that Roz actually dies about six months ago and I had to get a 4th generation of her - I just cloned her and now she's bigger and much more powerful. Maybe I should change her name to Jamie Summers? Anyway, listening to the recording s makes me want to go on another paranormal was a lot of fun for me. I haven't found the clip I was looking for yet but I have already found some good clips I can use on the next podcast. There are plenty more to listen to before we record this week's show Sunday. Now that Roz is bionic maybe I will buy the EVP (electronic voice phenomena) APP so I can just investigate for paranormal activity while waiting at the doctor's office or the dentist or wherever else I am bored.

Not this coming week but the following week, I think November 5th or 6th, we have our first Skype interview lined-up with one of our Dirty Laundry Podcast (DLP) listeners from Portugal. She has a paranormal encounter that she's willing to discuss with Cha Cha and I and it sounds really interesting; I know you'll love it and I cannot wait to find more out about what she has told me already. even if it were just about living in the Mediterranean it would be interesting but apparitions always add even more fun to any story. Maybe she will become one of our regular foreign correspondents. We also have a person who said he will come on the show eventually but he is in litigation right now over what we will discuss and cannot tell his story publicly until the litigation is over. Cha Cha and I talked with him in a bar about it and it is super great stuff. He was the roommate of someone who killed several people and ended up killing himself. Cha Cha and I have found that pubs/bars/taverns... are the best places to meet podcast guests. we met and talked to Pete Tzavalas about three weeks ago on DLP and now this!!! Moral is...spend more time in bars. I am not an overly shy person as it is but bars seem to make me uber-unshy (maybe it's more the tequila and vodka than the saloons though).

It's 3:34AM and I just looked out of the glass doors in front of me....just taking a break from writing and a black cat walked across the path I would be taking if I were walking but since I am sitting it's not really in my path so when I get up I will walk to the right so it didn't really walk in my path. I have never seen a cat here before and where I am is not a very likely or typical place for cats - curious and curiouser.
I am not sure how long this will be when I type it out but it's already two pages long written. It mostly seems to be about DLP. I blog about the podcast and podcast about the blog. It's the circle of blog/pod again!!!! I am so 1 1/2 dimensional.

I just saw two flies trying to reproduce. Is that really necessary? Get a room!!! I felt bad giving them the old "shoe fly" but don't give me a biology lesson this early in the morning. why do we even need flies? I am getting really tired because I had to wonder what they call flies in France. French Flies? Then baby flies should be called tator tots. Yeah, I am officially tired.

I have a lot more to write but I am going to bed now that I am home and typed my nonsense. I would say night-night but you are all just getting up so i guess I will say day-day. TTTT....MITM (off for three day - woohoo!!!! Ciao!

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