Friday, June 24, 2011

What if Blog was One of Us?

Sorry I am starting this later than the last couple of days but I was filling out my "fun facts" sheet for my upcoming old folks' home (high school) class reunion. While I was filling it out I discovered that there really aren't that many fun facts about me that I want to share. I think I may be a little stingy in keeping my fun facts private. That's pretty odd for a guy who blogs everyday and podcasts once a week. I don't think that most people really care anyway. I know that may sound negative but I really don't mean it that way - it's just a fun fact. 

I forgot to tell you; I got the DVD of Black Swan from Netflix and watched it. Just like with The Social Network, I have no idea how that one got nominated for Best Picture. I love Natalie Portman and I love Mila Kunis but the movie stunk. It was a good idea but whoever wrote it or directed it or something took too many notes on the day they covered Hitchcock in film class. How many times can we see Portman looking at herself in a mirror or catching her reflection in a window? I was disappointed.

Can anybody tell me why Justin Bieber has a fragrance for women? Can anybody tell me why any of us know who Justin Bieber is?
Is that Sandra Bullock's ex-husband?

And that makes me wonder...why would anybody take real estate advise from Rob Van Winkle? And then I wonder why do I know Vanilla Ice's real name is Rob Van Winkle? I guess he became some kind of a real estate tycoon or something after Ice, Ice, Baby went platinum or gold or titanium or whatever it became and being on that stupid show where celebrities lived in a house together so they could fight and we could watch it. What was that one called again? Who cares? He started a new website that you can pay for him to teach you how to buy property. He says that when his one-hit was selling 1,000,000 copies a day he was buying up properties. Then, when his career was slowing down, he sold some of his properties and made a profit. So, that's how the intricate world or real estate works? You buy something at a good price, you wait until it goes up in value and then you sell it? Please send me $1,200 because I just taught you all you need to know about real estate investing. For another $10,000 I will tell you the secret to writing a hit song that will make you enough money to buy properties and be able to sit on until they go up in value (no refunds and success is not guaranteed). So the moral of the story is - if you are a pop star that wears genie pants (Vanilla Ice and M.C. Hammer) it's better to buy property and sell it later at a tremendous profit than to be generous to your friends... I am more of the M.C. Hammer-type I think which explains a lot. Can't touch this!

Today is becoming like TMZ...maybe I am just "glorified TMZ" after all. Remember when Ryan Seacrest was on every show known to man? It sounds like he may be replacing Regis on Live with Regis and Kelly. Maybe because the name of the show will sound the same - Live with Seacrest and Kelly. Do you suppose Seacrest is his real last name? I think it is.

I am not extremely happy with today's blog but I don't have time to rewrite it so I guess I will post it as is. That's why they call me One-Take Matty in the blog business. I am going to go in to work this morning and hopefully there's work for me. I cannot imagine that there won't be with the huge event that's happening this coming weekend. If not, that's okay because it's not far...I feel like one of those workers (usually Hispanic in the movies unless you're Jim Carrey) that sits on the curb and waits for somebody to come by in a pick-up truck and say "I need two guys to paint and you." "I need three people to help set-up for a Multiple Sclerosis Tour de Farms today." And then we jump in the back of his truck and he drives us to where he needs the painting or the setting-up or whatever... What happens to these people at the end of the day? Do they get a ride back or are they on their own to make their way home? Like a Holy rolling stone?

Have a great Friday and remember to come to Geneva, Illinois to watch me pass out from the heat in the Swedish Days parade. It's been cold and rainy every day but AS BLOG IS MY WITLESS (not a misspelling) it will be hot and humid right around 1:00PM Sunday as the parade kicks-off (that's a parade trade term that we in the biz use). Thank you for being here today; I hope it wasn't too awful. TTTT (probably)...MITM (out to sit on the curb and hope someone picks me to be on their team).

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