Thursday, June 2, 2011

Weiner Envy or a Christie Complex?

Man, it feels like June first was just yesterday.

Today is the day that civil union ceremonies can be performed in Illinois. As you know, I am a total live and let live guy so I think this is great progress in a state that is known as The Land of Lincoln named for one of the most progressive Presidents in history (especially for his time). I wonder, though, how Abraham Lincoln (W/R - Illinois) would have felt about same-sex "marriage." I know there were rumors floating around at one time that he was homosexual. I didn't really follow that whole thing because I don't really care and why does it matter anyway? I think a person who believed that slaves should have been free men, women and children in a time when nobody believed that would be proud to see The Land of Lincoln become a more equal state.

I think I may start to get political here though it is not aimed at, or away from, any one party so is it really political just talking about politicians? (Whigs, Democrats and Republicans alike)

U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner (D - New York) supposedly "tweeted" a photo of himself in his underwear to a 21-year-old woman. He is claiming that his account was hacked and it was sent by someone else. His people are investigating the situation. You cannot see a face in the photo just a photo of his (or someone's) namesake in some tidy-whiteys. At least with a name like Weiner he isn't the butt of anyone's jokes. Cha Cha's maiden-name was Butts. If she would have married this dude and hyphenated her last name she would have been Butts-Weiner. They would have had to name Fabio Oscar right?
NO WAY! Marine One is much faster than a N.J.S.P. Helo!

In Weiner's neighboring taint state of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R - New Jersey) took a New Jersey State Police helicopter to his son's baseball game. Everybody is busting his chops for that but nobody is giving him credit for being a good, involved father. How many dad's who get stuck in traffic or have to work late on their child's big night wouldn't love to have a helicopter with police right-of-way at their disposal? Have you ever seen New York / New Jersey traffic during rush hour? I think maybe he should just pay for the fuel and for the pilot's time and say "I was being a good dad." He wasn't trying to be sneaky and flying the helicopter a couple of blocks away and having someone meeting him there with a car to sneak him to the field. This dude had the pilot land the helicopter right next to the little league baseball field; maybe it was on the way to wherever Officer Squarenuts was going. I'd much rather be yelled at by a whole state of constituents than have to go and face my wife when I had promised to be at the game and I got "busy at work."  My real concern is who names their son Christopher Christie? That's the real crime here.

With all of these shenanigans and Illinois having one former Governor on trial right now and another in prison I am starting to think maybe we'd be better just letting the mob continue to control the casinos and leave our government out of it. I think I need to stop thinking and saying that I am not a very political person.

If I were Ashton Kutcher I think I would buy Charlie Sheen's mansion. Talk about being Punk'd.

I have so many things in my notebook but I guess some of it will have to wait because I am running on at the keybored (not a typo) again. One quick mention of the Dirty Laundry Podcast (I always manage to squeeze it in there - TWSS - don't I?). I have received a lot of very thoughtful and pragmatic suggestions and comments and we have taken them under advisement and we will be implementing some changes to the podcast this week. I think that one particular one of these changes will truly revolutionize the podcasting industry! Thank you to those of you who have let us know how you feel by: emails, Facebook comments, telling someone else what you really thought who told us, posting on our site... We want to get better and we truly do value your opinions.

Have a great day...tonight Fabio ends his career as an 8th-grader; he hates being the center of attention so he is really gonna hate tonight's Honors Night. TTTT...MITM (ewwwwwwwwwtttttttt)

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