Saturday, June 25, 2011

Goodness Gracious Great Blogs of Fire!

It's Sunday (it's actually Saturday but the sun's out so for right now I am going to assume that we're gonna have two SUNdays in a row).

I went in yesterday to wait for a person to stop by and the possibility to jump blindly into the back of his/her pick-up truck to work for the day and it happened; visualize it and make it happen. I got to work a little over eight hours yesterday. I could have worked longer but we had plans last night so I couldn't. It worked out well though because I apparently was exhausted as I was not a ball of fire last night. Where does that saying some from? "He sure isn't a ball of fire." Does that have to do with the sun? That's about the best ball of fire that I know and apparently being a ball of fire is a compliment. The sun is actually a huge, glowing sphere of hot gas. Mostly hydrogen (about 70%) and helium (about 28%). Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen make up 1.5% and the other 0.5% is made up of small amounts of many other elements such as neon, iron, silicon, magnesium and sulfur. The sun shines because it burns hydrogen into helium (I just knew that off the top of my head or did I copy and paste it? I can't remember). The sun being a ball of gas and makes sense too because I am pretty much a glowing sphere of hot gas -in more ways than one from time to time.

One of the best things about working yesterday was that I ran into one of Dirty Laundry Podcast's favorite and most-popular regular cast members Jay Cole. It's always nice to see Jay because he's rarely in a bad mood, like me, and he helps me turn all of the humans' frowns upside down. He also had some potentially great news for me. He gave me a lead on a job that I am going to go over and investigate right after I get done with the blog and get showered. There is a chance that I may get to work again today too as I told them that I am available if someone doesn't show-up for their shift today. I work security for sure tomorrow morning from 5-10AM and then head for the parade. Cha Cha and I have to figure out a time to get the podcast in there too. We may record it tonight. Get your mail and lists in to us today if you want to be included in the "hilarity."
A lot of comedy talent right there!

Cha Cha apparently has some pull in Hollywood. There is a rumor that James Spader is going to replace Steve Carell as boss of The Office. At the end of the season they were having all of these huge stars show up pretending to want the gig as Regional Manager of Dunder-Mifflin Saber: Ray Romano, Jim Carrey, Will Farrel, Ricky Gervais... Out of all of them Cha Cha said that James Spader was her favorite. 

I wasn't going to mention Jerry Lewis passing-out and being rushed to hospital (I left out "the" on purpose) in Australia. The blog cosmos is telling me that I should though. Firstly, I "played" a Jerry Lee Lewis song here today. Secondly, Roz just started playing Australia by The Shins. Thirdly, it was only a couple of weeks ago that I blogged that this will be Jerry Lewis' last year hosting the MD Labor Day Telethon. And, I worked all week for the MS bike-a-thon. Lewis was on an Australian national tour to raise money for The Muscular Dystrophy Foundation Australia. He had to cancel his concert. It seems like he had a much better reason to cancel than Amy Winehouse did. He may make our list of funniest people when we figure out our podcast list this week. This was probably all a ploy to get mentioned on the blog and the podcast.

OK...I am starting to ramble (starting? HA). Have a nice SUNday before Sunday. Think good thoughts for me today as I go to apply for that job this morning. I really doubt that I will be able to blog tomorrow but come on out to Geneva, Illinois and watch a parade. If you're going to throw tomatoes or something I am in the horn section but if you're not I will be playing the congas. Thanks for spending a few minutes here today; I will let you know when the podcast is up on iTunes. TTTMonday?...MITM (off to change is destiny - just like every day). TA!

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