Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Nobody Likes a Soggy Weiner!

She made me cry too when I saw her Brett!
What is this Tuesday?

I saw last night that Weiner admitted that he sent a tweet of his little name to a young girl. When I wrote about this here a couple of days my buddy Beefy (I prefer to call him Brian but his nickname is Beefy and unless it's an all-pork Weiner Beefy fits here really well - TWSS) asked why didn't Brett Favre use the "somebody tapped my Twitter account" defense? I thought that was a great question because then Favre's little Brett thing (TWSS) died down rather quickly, I thought, but this one is gonna go on for awhile because this Weiner isn't gonna resign his position. Brett cried but nobody wants a soggy Weiner so that defense won't work. He will be forced out of office eventually...they always are.

I am thinking about starting a clothing line if anybody wants to partner-up. I am starting a line of jeans called Recessive Jeans (trademark/copyright/patent). You know they would sell! maybe Recession Jeans (tm/cr/pat) would do well too.

I just got done mowing the lawn and doing the dishes and making breakfast for Fabio and his friend (name withheld by request). I am so multi-talented. While I was mowing I listened to the newly iTunes uploaded episode XI-1 of the Dirty Laundry Podcast. I thought it sounded pretty good but I am wrong about most things so you'd better let me know what you think. Episode XI-2 will be posted on iTunes today hopefully because episode XI-1 has a cliff-hanger which XI-2 will answer. There is a technical problem I am having with the second half (XI-2) that I don't want to go much into because it's kind of a new, unplanned, cliffhanger now too. We have to re-record most of the second half so if it every resurfaces it will be the lost episode of Dirty Laundry. This will really test my editing skills because I will see if I am capable of recording and posting an episode in the same day while still making a baseball game tonight. I know I can do it. In the meantime listen to the one posted yesterday (XI-1) and be cliff-hung (TWSS) for a couple of hours; the suspense will be unbearable.

I also paid some bills online this morning. Is it just me or does it seem to be harder and harder for us to get into our own online accounts lately? I bet it's easier for hackers to get into our accounts than it is for us to get into our own accounts. Maybe they make it harder to get into the accounts to pay now because maybe we'll get frustrated and mail it off and it will be late and then they can charge you late fees. I hate bills - can a blogger get an amen?!
They'd Be Outta Business

I think if my name were cliff I would call my Twitter buddy Cliff Hanger.  That's a good action star or pro wrestler name. You may hear that on the podcast one time or another.

While I was at Fabio's game last night I saw a T-Shirt that said RethinkChurch.org. I did not go there but I am assuming it's a pro-church message. Is it safe to assume? Maybe it's an anti-church message for people who do go to church. Maybe it means rethink about not going to church. Maybe it's a website that wants to change the spelling of church to chirch? There are so many things that website could be but I always have more fun wondering what something is rather than checking it out closer and finding out what it is. How else do you think I can write a blog everyday? Fabio's team won 13-5 so if you had the DeKalb Philles in the 13-run pool congratulations! Last night they beat the Dodgers come out tonight and sweat with me and watch them beat the Phillies (Sycamore). I guarantee a Phillies' victory tonight. Game starts at 8 so it won't be so hot unless you're there.

Do people still use douche bags or is that just a nickname people call me?

Alright I had better get to working some Dirty Laundry magic; I've got some Recessive Jeans to wash. I hope you have a nice Tuesday. I thank you for stopping in and making me a part of your day; it really does mean a lot to me. You make a difference everyday without even knowing it sometimes. TTTT (or later when you listen to the podcast)...MITM (off his rocker)!

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